Boku no Hero Academia

How similar was Toshinori to Izuku in his youth?

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why can't you faggots wait for your thread to die before you make a new general?

Oh I'm sure they had a lot in common

Why do you always have to start a thread with a retarded question?

I'm sorry.

He was a Chad Thundercock

Reminder that Aizawa Shota is not a jobber and Himiko Toga is a hit and run bitch.

probably similar, but taller and dumber

>Space Ghost, do you believe I have what it takes to become a great talk show host like you?

Both will end up married to their jobs, with no families or loved ones.

Reminder that UA is a meme school.
>Aizawa has the authority to flunk entire classes but can't get the robot test thrown out, also promised to protect the kids better then jobs in a Yakuza raid that has already left one kid beaten senseless to protect a ""pro"" hero
>Midnight directly stated her motivation is to milk little boys of their fluids, has probably set up cams
>All Might confirmed to be a PR move and is actually a shit teacher

Going to UA is like paying for Ivy League then majoring in history.

Rate my taste

>Midnight directly stater her motivation is to milk little boys of their fluids

That is easily worth any grueling training you would have to do to get in. And to be honest, most "hero" studies they've done boils down to basic common sense.

Why didn't Vlad come to Aizawa's help when he called out for him? I know Aizawa asked him to stay and help the students but he must've heard Aizawa's voice or the massive explosion that has put him in danger.

Different from mine therefore shit.

>Put the idea of a crush in Ochaco's head
>Said crush made her get away from Deku at the mall, which caused the encounter with Shiggy
>Which caused the camp to be moved to the forest
>Which caused Kacchan to get kidnapped
>Which caused All Might to lose OfA
>Which caused the first years to take the license exam
>Which caused Toga to get Deku's blood

He already fucked up.

Not sparkling enough

Pretty good, and here's the link for anyone else

>Mei not in top 3
Shit Tastes, Kys yourselves

I was trying not to think with my dick. If I did Jirou would be #1.

Aoyama is a prick

Jirou is made to NTR Kouda with Kaminari!


Aoyama's suicide arc when? I want to see him stop smiling again.

>have a gigantic office building full of staff who aren't allowed to handle a simple but important part of your work

I wonder how many jobs were lost when All Might retired

you better delet dis

Has anyone pointed out that Aoyama tricked Ochaco into letting go of the hand rail during the final exam and that if 13 didn't disable his quirk, the headlines would have said UA Teacher Kills Student During Exam

Is it time to bully Aoyama already?

Did that dude who was going to draw students in sidekick costumes do his thing yet? Or am I being too impatient?

Because he was asked to stay and help the students, if whoever caused that explosion came for the students then he would be better off being with the students to protect them.

It's always time to bully Aoyama.

Stop it, Aoyama is a good boy
You're all jelly because you can't sparkle

Yes, Aoyama definitely knew what he was doing in regards to Ochaco's psychological state there.

But do you really think it was intended to kill her in an accident?

>not saving people because I don't have my papers filed? That's what I call not having one's priorities in order.
Woah there, All Might.

Reminder that this is not a face of a villain and he will get redeemed/become an antihero

I'm sad that Iida got sidelined hard after the Stain arc, I thought he would be a total dick but ended up being a really endearing and likeable character.

Probably roughly similar, although toshinori was probably more focused on actually stopping the rampant crime that existed prior to his becoming the symbol of peace.
Deku exists in a world where crime is basically nonexistent on large, organized level, and heroes are basically glorified celebrities.

It's evident in their initial goals: Toshinori wants to be the symbol of Peace, where Deku's main goal was being the greatest hero.

This isn't to say that Deku was less heroic or anything, just something to note. Deku's learnt what it really means to be a hero, as exemplified by Kouta's note

Because while reading it I was just waiting for her to let go and kick 13. It was obvious what was going to happen, it was just a matter of time.

>has only fucked up shit
>hasn't actually done anything good
only an idiot wouldn't realize that

looking back I'd probably swap monoma with shinso

Don't worry about him. He'll get more screentime and try to heal Aoyama once he has a psychotic breakdown since Iida's the only one who knows about his insecurity.


he gathered the class at the test using his laser

He saved Birb from getting kidnapped by Compress, counts for something I guess.

>shitposters very obviously trying to trash Aoyama because we had a comfy time last thread
Anons, you don't get it. He literally cannot stop twinkling. There isn't a single person in the cast that can stop Aoyama from twinkling. Not Deku, not All Might, not All for One.

Aoyama Internet Defense Force strikes again

Why am I so attracted to that pink skin and those black/yellow eyes?

What will it take to stop Aoyama from twinkling?

>>has only fucked up shit
>>hasn't actually done anything good
user pls

I can think of one person

he's literally still sparkling

reality confronting his insecurities

I can't help but wonder why Vigilantes is making chapters like this.

If Hori had direct input, I'd understand. But none of them fit the grounding of the story. It's so weird.

>Mina is Aoyama's kryptonite

No, his tears are, he isn't.

>Iida's the only one who knows about his insecurity.

Iida already gave him a pep talk. In grorious Nihon, that should be all it takes to heal.

But it didn't, and now Aoyama can't talk about his insecurities without being labeled as whiny.

Because it's cute

>Melts his precious belt
>uppercuts him right after
11/10 Ashido.

Mina is cute and not a slut!

>Mina breaks his chin so hard that not even recovery girl could completely heal it.
He is made for suffering

Ironic you say that, since most of us like him FOR his insecurities and semingly doomed character arc.

I want to poke her horns, explore her body, and experiment with her fluids.

Great. Now I want to watch it.


>one thing that never would've even happened in the first place if he wasn't there

Nejire, she asked you to stop

I mean, we do know there is someone at UA trying to ruin the school and kill the teachers and students.

Maybe its the guy who had no problem risking killing his classmate and charging a teacher with manslaughter?

What makes you think her opinion matters?

Because he was shown being terrified in the forest. And he had that mini flashback in the license exam.

I wonder if he'd do something so stupid to make the whole class hate him? It'd be interesting to see Izuku genuinely look at a classmate with hateful eyes.

At this point I honestly doubt Izuku has it in him to hate anyone except the VA and All For One.

It'd be funny if Kaminari framed him, and everyone believed it until it's too late.

Well he does feel guilt during the provisional license exam, true.

But I'm skeptical of the nature of the "traitor", cause I think it's Toga, shapeshifting into various forms.

If one of his Classmates was a traitor I bet he would.

Toga only joined the VA after Stain, and the traitor was around when USJ happened.

Just a reminder that Aoyama lives in Kamino

Certified NOT traitors.
Who else?

>tiny girl Iida


Probably not very (even Gran Torino says so). Toshi grew up in a time when heroes were still rare and crime was more commonplace, and he had a vision for society - bettering it by becoming a role model who's mere presence keeps crime in check - and probably trained from the get go to get there. Plus he's kind of a "just punch it" kind of guy.

Deku has a more analytical mind but is/was very caught up in his hero worship.

>not wanting a more aerodynamic Iida

I think he'd try and understand why first. Personally, if the traitor ends up being a kid, I don't think it will be because they're evil, it'll be because they are being forced to.

Bakugou and kirishima

They tried to kidnap Bird, so probably not him

*lived in Kamino
Kamino is now a bunch of rubble and dust
Thats probably why he liked the idea of living in dorms, dude is homeless


Well, he's actually "from France"

But he went to school at St. KAMIINO

>not wanting the cutest possible Iida

I already posted her. Though I wish she was doing the hands thing.

Momo, the tracking device she used would make no sense for the traitor as without it it would have taken the heroes and the police a lot longer to pin down the VA, and she barely even managed to use it in the first place.

C'mon let's be real he probably lied about being French. Hori dropped a massive hint bomb.
Even so, where he was born doesn't affect where he currently lives.

God I wish that were me
>tfw hot candlewax play with Mina except she drips acid onto you instead

>C'mon let's be real he probably lied about being French.

Hence the quotey marks. The databook even says it's claimed.

>a ruse all along so Toshi would lose OFA and Japan lose the pillar
AFO played them like a damn fiddle, Momo is the rat

>C'mon let's be real he probably lied about being French

T - 1 hour


I can't believe I'm actually looking forward to filler.

Acid is no good that way user, either it causes way too much damage and not actually a lot of pain, or it causes pain for way to long. If it's potent enough to cause as much pain as hot wax on contact it's going to hurt worse later, likely several hours later.

>Alien Queen will never gleefully ride you, gripping your midsection between her healthy thighs as your penis glides back and forth inside her impossibly slick hole until she finally reaches a thunderous, passionate orgasm, her loud moans drowning out your terrified whimpers as the stumps of your dissolved limbs try in vain to push her off, until finally her pussy juices melt your twitching penis into a thin, bloody broth

>she will never tremble slightly before slowly lifting herself off your sobbing form and cheerfully giggling as she glances down at your ruined crotch before grinning widely and locking eyes with yours, parting her folds, and unleashing a stream of caustic urine all over your face, delighting in your agonized shrieks until the chemical burns penetrate your brain and sweet death finally releases your from service to your Queen

Sorry, insomnia has demolished my reading comprehension. you're absolutely right.

He's probably a redneck hillbilly American.