Ara ara... user, I need a ride back to camp. Onegaishimasuka?

>Ara ara... user, I need a ride back to camp. Onegaishimasuka?

No way fag.

You can ride my dick desu

Oh I've got something she can right alright.


>Shitty anime design
Fuck off

What's wrong with it?

Butthurt that the anime had a vastly superior design which was also vastly easier to animate.


It reminds me of this abortion of an adaptation exists.

was this series any good? I dropped it after the leader guy refused her offer to mate

Read the manga.

Its that one guy who worships the outdated ugly manga art and designs

There is someone else who calls out the anime for being trash too?

Nah its just (You) my man

You can ride my cock

for a moment I tought that was rwby.

Fucking show-wrecking piece of shit character


such a shame mc is fag and wont bang hot demi goddess

its better than the anime or is this bait?

They both kinda suck so just watch the anime because it looks better.

He already had a wife

I thought RWBY was CG



‘Oh, yeah, girls like this exist in real life. If you don’t spend time watching real people, you can’t do this, because you’ve never seen it. Some people spend their lives interested only in themselves. Almost all Japanese animation is produced with hardly any basis taken from observing real people, you know. It’s produced by humans who can’t stand looking at other humans. And that’s why the industry is full of otaku!. Anime was a mistake - Hayao Miyazaki

Depends. Is that still taneda ara ara or did your ass get replaced too?

You look like a fanart caricature, can you please dress appropriately ?
Also scythes are farming tools not weapons, use an halberd if you must have a blade on a pole.

rwby is not anime

I think she uses does use a halberd

Unrelated, but Gate season 2 novel has FINALLY started!
I ordered mine, waiting for it to get here.

It takes place after all the gaiden and the gate reopened. (more precisely, Itami & co actually built a new one)

She uses a poleaxe with a giant axe head.

Let's rape Rory.

>anime design
the Manga is cuter

>no fuck off
>and apply lipstick to your other lip as well you lazy fuck

Get lost stripper!
This seats taken by a proper demigod.

Rory gets his soul when he dies, right?



That is all.

The true winner of the harem.

>come on user, they look nothing alike

>having a ruby fig
You disgust me.

goth loli make my dick diamond

I have more.

Elves are for what agagin?

I want Rory to sit on my face

Shes so cute

I hate fanfiction about American-cunt killing japanese..

Ignoring while I fuck Rory

no rory you cant ride me

not enough hmanga

I hope she sits in my lap too so I can teach her how to drive stick.


3 somes

Nah man