Which anime girl would give the best footjobs?

Which anime girl would give the best footjobs?

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My sole reason for watching this anime are those beautiful legs.
I hope it won't turn me into a masochist by the end of it.



or perhaps her?

I don't get people who are opposed to foot fetishism. They probably haven't seen a good foot yet.




the blonde from Onizuka


>all these foot threads
Truly the thinking mans fetish

Indeed. Cute toes are very important.


Is that a so called footpussy?

pls more



thighs > feet

That is indeed it.


thighs > everything except for boobs



Good contender.






Cold, dead, feet.


And the absolute best thigh jobs aswell

these thighs in particular ought to come from another world, they're amazing



I really like feet


I think those two images just gave me a footfetish. Thanks anons

you might be in for a suprise

>when you have a footjob fetish but not a foot fetish

it's an abstract pain

toenail polish is a good indicator of someone being an elite at footjobs



Mods, you were awesome yesterday and I'm hope you're awesome today, too. I did my part.



Toesaka Rin!

I used to be the same.
It'll come for you eventually.



That's cute.

Holy fuck I want to explode all over those soles.

obviously the feet that belong to this very person, that is, as a side note, my waifu aswell

>My sole reason for watching this anime are those beautiful legs.

Underrated pun

>when she takes her sock off with her teeth

This is my fetish.


I want to kick Nadia in the teeth

Reminder that MC abuse is a thing, and abusers should all be left to rot in jail.

>tfw she gives you light, teasing electrical shocks on your dick when she's giving you a footjob

almost certainly this

>broken pelvis