In retrospective, was it worth it not to kill yourself?

In retrospective, was it worth it not to kill yourself?

I was still semi-happy in 2011. People weren't so SJW-y either.

>berserk movies
if only they knew

>Kizumonogatari makes it into these "reasons not to kill yourself in XX year"lists every year
>mfw it actually happened
Alright, now I can kill myself.

>K-On Movie

I get legitimately angry when I think about stuff like this. There is no going back, user. This is it now.

they will disappear soon.
since china banned lbdt propaganda corporations dont want to lose that large audience.

This is an anime thread.

I have some ongoing mangos I can't let go but the japs doing these are definitely not going to kick the bucket later than me, I'm just 27 and they are old. ;_;

The 3rd movie was great regardless.