Instead of all the shounen or action live action adaptations, why don't we get a western live action Welcome to the NHK?

Instead of all the shounen or action live action adaptations, why don't we get a western live action Welcome to the NHK?

>easy to adapt and you don't need a big budget
>Burgers would relate more to Satou's plight than Japs nowadays, since hikikomoris aren't as big of a thing but look how many are NEETS are in Sup Forums alone
>would blow the hell up and be Scott Pilgrim with it's following
>seeing a live action western qt portray Misaki

what other anime would make for good western live action adaptations?

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>look how many are NEETS are in Sup Forums alone
Not very many, relatively speaking. This is a fringe community.
Hollywood is all about targeting as many people as possible. Going for unemployed losers as their prime audience is not in their interest.

>both the anime and novels are very unpopular in Japan and sold poorly there
>only popular among anime fans
>which isn't really that big of an industry in America anyway

You don't have to be a literal NEET to relate to Satou, although there are a lot of unemployed people out there, I could see people unsatisfied with their soul crushing 9-5 or underachievers relating to Satou. That's not even getting into snowflake tumblrinas who would claim being hypochondriac that would insert themselves in as Satou.

Didn't realize that unpopular in Japan, thought it at least had a cult following. But either way, that's why I suggested a western version. Whatever the reason that caused it to fail in Japan, doesn't mean it'd fail here. Even if it does, it'd be very inexpensive and budget friendly to make compared to making a live action move/show of just about any anime.

Even in the West, as far as I know, it's mostly popular among hipsters and deepfags. Not so much among normies.

Strangely enough, the series doesn't appear to be that popular over here in Asia either. I don't see many Asians talking about it, mostly Americans.

Hello crossboarder.

>live action western qt

how will they adapt the CP scene in the western live action

They wouldn't. Even making it lolicon would be too much for western audiences that don't normally watch anime.

> Welcome to the PBS