Why is Freezing such an amazing show?

Why is Freezing such an amazing show?


Because you're a horny, out of shape, socially inept virgin who can only find enjoyment through naked cartoon women.
>inb4 "stop projecting"
I fucking despise this show and the only people I've ever met that like it are genuinely pitiful people.

It's really not.

Its just too deep for you

>implying I'm ashamed of that
Get the fuck out, normalfag.

Looks like you posted the reason, OP. And I'll agree, that show's got 11/10 girls, top-tier. Too bad the plot isn't going anywhere, but that's OK; I've got PLOT to tide me over until then.

Fuck you. I'm a horny, out of shape, socially inept virgin and I think the show is complete garbage.

Yes, the girls are hot, but almost everything else about the show is either nonsensical, cliche, grossly offensive, or just plain terrible.

There's plenty of great porn of the series if you just want to waggle your willie, don't conflate getting off with having fun.


>who can only find enjoyment through naked cartoon women.
Is this supposed to be a negative thing?