Is attaining Yoko-body absolutely impossible without surgical augmenting?

Is attaining Yoko-body absolutely impossible without surgical augmenting?

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Basically. Her arms suggest she has low body fat but for some reason her hips and ass have tons of meat. Her body is impossible.

I suppose you could only work legs and glutes but then it wouldn't be smooth it would be muscular
it would be hot as hell tho

It's just improbable.

I'm sure it'd be possible with the right genetics/diet/workouts, but good luck strategically putting all your bodyfat in the right places

It's possible but not very likely. Who cares anyways? It's 2D perfection.

It's possible as long as you win the genetic lottery

Me on the right

what is the gene that gets you thos a fucking huge tits

Science is working 24/7 to isolate the gene

you have to be born with it and yeah its possible, do dance like ballet, hip hop, anything that gets your body to dance to the extreme. There is a thing called the Dancer's butt, that is the best butt in existence. Boobs it's how you're born but butt and hour glass body its through hard dance and diet.

Consult /fit/

I think the third girl has the hottest body. Fourth girl has the hottest face.

Fuck off.

Just need to have good genetics that place fat in the correct areas and train a LOT and be conscientious about how you eat

You don't want that body.
It causes people to die virgins, as well as yourself

Not without proper diet and exercise.

He was showing an example.

It's possible

Is this now a 3DPD thread?

Not anymore.

How about getting a body like my main man right here?


What's the source of this videos?
We only get 5 seconds at a time and never the origin.

Genetics and steroids. You'd also need to chop off your forearm

That's just resistance training with God tier genetics. I wish I survived abortion from my mother's corpse if it would give me gains like that.

>that foot

It's more like a /fit/ thread.

It's possible with the right genes. Kys on my edge and try again.

No idea, I only have those short webms as well.


So who's the Yoko-type again ??

Wide hips and big tits? That's common.

Usually it's the waist that's uncommon. At least here in Clapistan.

Why is everyone assuming OP is female, he's obviously a 6.4 male body builder from /fit/ who regrets his decisions.


sage because posting 3D

Post this sys.Sup
3DPDtards, fuck off forever.

Ok her waist to hip ratio is a bit exaggerated but it's just a more stylized classic hourglass shape.


That's what you don't get

but you are a pussy and we got you user

You need to have all of your comrades die and your waifu raped in front of you.




are these israeli girls? This looks like the dead sea...

(((They))) got us again.

Looks more like Texas or some mudhole around the gulf.


It's unfair to take advantage of down syndrome children just because they have an hourglass figure.

If you went up a cup size and just a little more bodyfat, that'd actually be very close.


Now that is what I call down to fuck.


>that ugly fuck
>anything like Yoko

Well her breasts are bigger but the hips need some improvement.

I think you're forgetting her downy face as well user

I'm the one who brought it up. She's a looker to some and disqualified to some as well. Just depends on if you like a nice body or a pretty face and variations in between. Just critiquing her body she could do some squats to round out her figure.

Jesus Christ do i fucking hate Yoko cosplayers for some reason.

Big tits + slim + pretty face is a lot to ask for at once, but it does happen.

3D can never attain 2D perfection