Owarimonogatari S2

Ep1 is out with subs



no molesting,only gentle headpats

Snail is so fucking cute holy shit.

>dark souls reference

SHAFT confirmed for bros

Snail dies

>you wake up in hell and she gives you this look

Third time right?

It's her quirk

The date was something.

The opening is absolutely perfect.

Instant classic. Up there with the very best.


Cute snail. Cute doll. Cute bird. Spooky Ougi. A minute of Shinobu.

Snail molestation


Snail getting headpats

>gets killed by the obligatory Japanese truck driver
>wanders around aimlessly for around 20 years lost and alone
>someone finally bothers to go out of their way to help her, takes a liking to this person and then gets punished by anti-contradiction ball thing for it
>gets sent to Buddhist hell for dying before her parents

The second best date episode in anime history.

A cute date with Crab.

Are the subs any good? CR or Triforce? Or should I just wait?

wait, how many episodes aired today? out of how many?

4 out of 7.

I'm downloading Triforce, no fucking way I'm downloading 1.2gb from CR

Wait for who? I don't think anybody over at commie's cares about monogatari anymore.

How I missed snail

>visit commie
>teekyuu and dive

ah yes

The new OST is great again.

She's fine by the end, despite how much the plot fucks with her up to that point. One of the only girls Araragi objectively does a pretty good job with on his end, all in all.

What do some people have against honorifics? It's simple to include them in subs and they carry a lot of meaning.

Are you literally deaf?

unless they are shit like omae-sama which is non-standard and which needs pointing out, there's no need to include honorifics

I fucking love Saturday

Do you have something against Teekyuu by any chance?

I'm not, what if I was? Some people are hard of hearing, or aren't familiar with spoken Japanese.

>people not familiar with spoken Japanese
>tackling one of the last seasons of one of the most referential shows


But these subs do have honorifics, it's a general question. It's also really annoying that different sub groups have done the different seasons and it's inconsistent.

But later you when relations between characters develop, and you have to translate the difference between something like "Hikari-chan" becoming "Hikari" or vice versa, you have to go full retard to find a way to translate it. Putting honorifics avoid this problem that can ALWAYS happen later on a series. Basically, it's creating a possible problem for no reason.

Is this a 1080p broadcast?

Last season I watched was Koyomigatari. Is this direct sequel?

Again, are you literally deaf?

Yes. It picks up exactly where Koyomi left off.

there's no one optimal translation strategy despite what people like Venuti might say, what translators ultimately do is follow trends according to personal preferences



You need to watch Ore Monogatri first

did you skip Katanagatari


Someone asked me where it says about Araragi's passenger seat is only for Shinobu. I was not sure and checked some novels, it is not in Musubi but in Shinobumonogatari chapter 4.

I see. Thanks user.


I'm pretty sure Shaft is trying to kill us. And we have Dereshot coming up tomorrow.

You are defending faulty translation in basis of my previous knowledge of honorifics, saying it's unnecessary because i can hear the change and know what it means so the subs dont need them. So i ask, what if i WAS deaf? I would need to rely on the subs to get it, and they failed to transmit the message, not to mention all of those people who don't know about honorifics, they are basically deaf to it, and are losing meaning for lacking subs for no reason.

Kill one, fuck one, marry one

oh god yes

Uncontested best body in the series.

A fine fetish

deaf people watch movies with much extended subtitles than usual, including shit like *door opens* etc

Araragi is not a lolicon!

kiss-shot webm when?

And all subs are losing the mean of the bilion different way to say "I" and milion polite or less polite speach, yet I don't see you cry about that?
I'm sorry about deaf people but nip is complicated, in a translation you'll always lose a bit of nuance even if you carry the meaning. If you leave honorifics in, you can't call that a translation.

>[Mayoi Snail Ch.4]
>Incidentally, that was when I saw Hachikuji Mayoi’s carefree smile for the first time. It was quite charming and it seemed to open my heart. The usual way of describing that type of smile was to say it was like a blooming sunflower, but it was also the type of smile that most people stopped making after getting much older than her.
>“Sigh. Oh, god.”
>That was a close one. If I was a lolicon, I would fallen for her there. I really am glad I’m not a lolicon.
Absolutely, he even says so himself. People really need to stop slandering this honest young man already.

Who cares? Shaft dropped the ball on her super hard. Hope they completely re-animate the scene in the BDs. Then we can get a webm that does her justice.

Check out this Japanese master here OHOOHOHOHOHOHOHO

Yes you can. People translate titles like captain but not things like senpai because there aren't always appropriate substitutes. Just leaving them in goes a long way, and that's all you'd have to do to get the message through. It's stubborn not to.

I know it might sound sweet, but I don't think it's right to imply your girlfriend needs to be relegated to the backseat in your car because your front seat is reserved for another girl if that's true.

And yes even if Hitagi uses another car, but that's even worse really. It's implying you won't just casually hang with your girlfriend.

Damn, no wonder she went on private lunch outings with Hanekawa. The boy forgets Valentines Day, buys a car with customizations just for another girl, just what kind of relationship is that?

Nip is so complicated. Even Chinese don't have that many "I" to translate.

Wow this could've looked cool if it weren't outsourced to china

So the tv series still operates in their own canon.


He's like a serial panty thief that says he is perfectly normal, healthy young man with normal desires, while wearing panties on his head.

He couldn't even fool loli Hanekawa, she knew those eyes were the eyes of a predator. And sent him straight to a police box.

Did two episodes come out already?

Read the Otoyomemonogatari manga first. It sets up this entire arc

Double episodes.

thankg god, the kizu version is awfully overblown and jarring. It didn't capture any of the LNs tones.

>thankg god, the kizu version is awfully overblown and jarring. It didn't capture any of the LNs tones.

That post

I know, but i dont think they have much choice with moon shows now do they, all meaning is precious and losing it some for no reason is non-sensical.

>you can't call that a translation.
Why not? Consistency? Because you already lose some with the problem i mentioned a couple posts earlier. Because you put a japanese word on it? Well, might as well remove all food names since we sure have equivalents here. It's a simple thing that has NO EQUIVALENT that holds a lot of meaning and is frequently a topic in anime, adding it and having the person learn "oh shit, these mean something to the characters" is more important than not adding it for some stubborn "avoid japanese expressions at all costs" self imposed rule, which can eventually lead to over translations.

>The boy forgets Valentines Day
He just went to hell and back, there are things to criticize him over but give the guy a break.


>if I just keep pouring money and time into a scene, it can only makes it better.

You'll be surprised how whiteknight-y some (it probably is just a vocal minority) people here get. Araragi gets criticized over mere thoughts he has while the girls can do no wrong.

He forgot Valentine's Day at a time where he was perfectly fine to remember it, that was before he went to Hell.

Mayoi Hell, but DOOM OST is playing in the distance somewhere

Oh, you're talking about the bit where he was preoccupied with the events of Yotsugi Doll instead of being preoccupied with the events of Mayoi Hell, my bad.

Anyone got a screenshot of Hachikuji making binocular eyes in the new opening?



So they all did that stuff to get rid on Arararagi's vampire power?

Just when you thought your favorite anime was anime of the season, then this gets released and blows it out of the water, conflicted feelings right now, man that was great, I'm definitely going to start rewatching all of monogatari soon.

I agree it is kind of weird. I was so wondering about why Hitagi didn't get in Araragi's car even once when I was reading Hana. But it is already weird enough to have a girlfriend while vow to stay with another girl forever.

Ah shit i watched the second episode first for some reason

I think it's the other way around most of the time, until the series revealed how crazy and warped Araragi is, people claimed he was this loyal innocent boy who is just this alpha male with the ladies, who were these group of psychopaths.

When the LN reveals he is as fucked as the girls, two timing as all hell, and altogether a beta who coasts on life.

is crab wearing hair extensions or what?

What do you need it for?

When is Ougi Dark airing?

where did you get your release from


gahara driving manual