Tfw no gun control activist gf

>18 years old
>excellent public speaker
>survived mass shooting
>organizing a massive march on Washington
>Democratic politicians would literally suck her dick for an endorsement
>attended well-regarded Florida high school
>cool buzz cut that reminds you of Sigourney Weaver in Alien 3
What have you done user?

Other urls found in this thread:

ohhhno no non o no n
hahahha look at the top of "her" head


I'd fuck him if you know what I mean.





Bitch has to go back!


18 year olds are experts on policy in murica. BASED!

We need to get our kids out of the government run schools and at home where it's safer.

>Fat fucking sausage fingers
Nigger that's a man

Yeah. 18 year olds who can't be bothered to get off their ass and vote are going to change things.

Fucking Christ. These people are retarded.


She will win republicans the right to WMDs if she keeps it up. The average American hates shaved headed qts. Complete waste.

Can confirm

t: Homeschooler parent.

Knowing the state of Sup Forums these days, that chick looks like MOST poster's Sisters here. Literally 56% Goblin.

Sup Forums is a fucking joke now

It's almost like the 56% meme was patterned after her face.

The Democrats have learned NOTHING from the 2016 election.

When Tenochtitlan sends its people, they aren't sending their best.

Not sure if worse attempt at a subersion thread I've seen about this event, or just a bad attempt at a parody.


About 300 million of us survived school shootings

We also survived asteroid hits, drowning, forest fires, and airplane crashes.


Pic is of Lindsey Vonn. I didn't win a gold medal either

It's weird how Sup Forums has threads about "QT GFs"......but none of the girls posted are White...ever.

Makes you think Sup Forums is actually a breeding ground for Jewish subversion.

Naaaaa, couldn't be.

Decide to take a trip here from reddit?

She is milking it for all it's worth. Smart move I guess.

No one is going to take anyone's guns and in a few weeks everyone will move on. But at least she will have her 15 minutes.

You forgot the most important thing:
>she battled with cars alongside Mad Max.

Slovjene with the bantz. Delivery could do with some work but the gold is there.
Nice goathoof

yeah she looks like eric andre

I posted on Sup Forums. Am I doing my part?

El gobolino

>loud, overconfident teenager of middling intelligence is enabled by leftist media in order to support restrictive legislation because she managed to not take a bullet
>bull-dyke haircut

I'm supposed to listen to this bitch because she happened to be present during a shooting? How many soldiers do you think support more gun control?

She's not clever, she's not original, and she's not worthy of our attention. She's typical and she's a carbon copy of every leftist trashbag. She's a useful idiot for left-leaning authoritarians.

You'll forgive me if I disregard everything she says.

>that header picture

How to identify stupid politics

deport that brown skank

What do you wanna bet that this girl has no record of attending there and is a plant setup by Soros and Co.?

>want to fuck 18 year olds
>this makes me a predator
>dont want to listen to 18 year old opinions
>this is problematic

Did you photoshop that nose or is that a genuine 56%er Jew beak

When will these brown shits stop eroding our rights? The US should just balkanize already

The school is mostly Jews and El-gobolins

That bitch eats pussy, dude, she's never gonna be your GF unless you're a chick.

She's also strikingly similar to the squatty Meheecan dude who takes out my garbage at work. Not exactly bangable, if you get my drift, unless you're looking to procreate more lil goblinas to mow lawns.

She coined thehashtag #ShameOnYou ...the #meetoo of Gun control

If only that mass shooter would have had better aim...

I like her cause she's a Puerto Rican qt and not a beaner anchor baby

la creatura...

>What have you done user?
Oiled my guns.

You sure that's a girl?


Really, has Sup Forums gone blind in 2018? Fugg, that's an ugly goblina, the fact that some of you would mate with it really makes me question your sanity, or at least, your eyesight.

this girl was probably the most annoying normie cunt in school

does her pussy smell like

1) incense
2) strawberries
3) one day old fish, non refrigerated
4) neutral smell

I've had a crush on her ever since I saw her on tv
>tfw no sexy and qt tomboyish butch gf

>listening to an ugly spic dyke



>inexperienced kid
>useful idiot on tv
>"""survived shooting"""
>"organizing" a march that won't do anything
>dems are collapsing as a party
>"literally who" high school
>dyke haircut


Like I'm going take direction from a non White female 18 year old.

>When will these brown shits stop eroding our rights?
>implying they'll ever stop


>Tfw I've personally survived a mass shooting
> I carry a gun now
> Have never cried about it

Suck it up. 50 years ago teenagers were walking through Vietnam with no idea whether their next step would be booby trapped and they'd fall into a spike pit. There ain't no law that will ever make you invincible to death. Get right with God, spend time with your family and suck it the fuck up. The only option you have personally is to take responsibility to defend yourself. Beyond that, you're a fish in a barrel.

I'd like to imagine her pegging me into an intense orgasm

her shitty haircut wont help the 0.0% chance of her getting guns banned

Isnt it beautiful ?

>get right with God
>religion is real"

how does it feel to hold the human race back?

These children were eating Tide pods last week. Now the dems want to let them amend the constitution.

I could kill you with my bare hands for no reason other than I want to. I don't need a gun to do it. You can go to hell if you want to but your best option is to get right with God.

You make me sick. Fuck you.

am i supposed to know who this little faggot is?

Your mom gay

She is the future the nazis warned me about

You hear about Sup Forums from CNN?

how does it feel to believe you are nothing but a coincidental collection of chemicals?

>I took a class on dat shit
>couldn't finish it
>not my fault!

>hold the human race back
only from the abyss? Should we let go? I think so.. damn it all down. All the way down. Burn it all down anons.

It's funny when the left attacks a Columbine survivor cause they aren't politically aligned.

Cry more faggot

I wonder who is funding this divisive "march"?

This shit is so astroturfed I'm seriously surprised there's not a football team kneeling on it.

Let me lay some facts down. I was 14 when Dylan klebold and Eric Harris shot my shoot up. If their propane bombs had gone off I wouldn't be talking to you. I survived. I don't blame inanimate objects for their evil, I blame them. They were sick. Some people are sick. I haven't so much as been in a fist fight in my life and I legally carry a gun all day every day. I would feel infinitely less safe if I had to walk around unarmed.
I'm sorry that doesn't fit your narrative but that's the truth.

Hey what's this about?

School, not shoot.

She's a cutter and has attempted suicide because the 4 boys that gangbanged her told everyone


Can we buy her a gun or a rifle?

She is phrenologically disadvantaged, likely below-average abstract reasoning capacity


Just let the Democrats keep going, they're too stupid to realize it's only weakening their political position. When it's time to vote, go vote, most of them will probably forget because they're stupid and too narcissistic to think about anyone outside of their own bubble.

>using the death of 17 kids to try to get instafamous

I'm sure she's a model citizen and definitely not an attention starved whore.

Why doesn't she do anything about killing babies? It's OK to kill babies with a scalpel but a few alleged dead people is the end of the world?
Why were there comments on the Florida shootings on Feb 12?
You're a total POS cram your dumb kid bitchmoouth gun grabbers in your sphincter.You're not fooling anyone.


It does look like a dood.
The left is into that kinda sheet mang

your mom gay

If she was that great why didn't she stop the false flag attackers?

Shh. It's only okay to talk about dead people when it fits a leftist agenda. How dare you talk about 650,000 abortions in one year when there are 12 high school kids and 3 adults who were shot by a mexican jew.

I mean God forbid those babies didn't want to be sucked out of the womb with a vacuum or spooned out like stuffing in a thanksgiving turkey. It's okay though, cause they couldn't scream, right?

She is disgusting get this degeneracy out of here

Clearly gun control will be a winning position for the democrats in 2018, they should absolutely go after guns hard.


This. You'll definitely get the votes if your campaign revolves around repealing the second amendnent. Resist comrade

You could kill yourself and make it all go away!