Listen Sup Forums why the FUCK did we give up on Pizzagate? I barely see Pizzagate threads anymore. I can guarantee you that James Rothschild Alefantis and John "Skippy" Podesta are laughing at us for giving up and for replying to nigger dick slide threads.
Do you realize how fucking afraid we made the MSM? Every (((MSM))) outlet in the nation attempted to debunk Pizzagate.
Alright faggots, how the fuck do we get people to start talking about CAROLE GREENWOOD
CAROLE GREENWOOD was the co-founder of Comet Ping Pong and Buck's Fishing and Camping.
Question: Why did this bitch quit in 2009? It's because James Alefantis raped her son in Comet's kitchen.
Think I'm lying? Here's an AMA from a bloke who claims James Rothschild Alefantis raped him, AND Carole Greenwood's son.
Do you realize that Sup Forums will literally be in the textbooks for bringing down an elite pedophile ring? Let's make this happen. Stop replying to slide threads. How do we get normies to talk about Carole Greenwood?
Her son Dylan Greenwood stayed with James Alefantis and David Brock in their grand house in Georgetown. They could've diddled him there, although that was when Buck's opened. According to the AMA it would've happened later.
Anyway I want to thank you for reading this far. Here is what I think is the smoking gun. Here is a comment from 2009 about Carole's side of the story: "Working with artists is always an intense experience and there is always two sides to every story. I happen to know Carole's side and it would make those dining on the new food choke and feel nauseous. I will only say that if they knew what really happened, they like me would no longer dine at either establishment."
I made this shitty gif.
Who is Carole Greenwood? Who is Dylan Greenwood?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because it's out of our hands at this point. Mueller and the DoJ as well as the IG have 13000+ indictments. The swamp drain is coming.
pizzagate died when flynn was indicted
I was paid bitcoins to slide pizzagate threads AMA.
Kinda new to this site and came for the rare Pepe's, any chance you could explain this a little more simply
Pizzagate is Pedogate is Blood Libel is Ritual Jewish Sacrifice
bump for justice
Quick run down on Pizzagate
What do you want to know friendo?
James Alefantis is accused of being a pedo. Carole Greenwood, the woman in the original picture, quit in 2009, citing a "family emergency"
According to an AMA, James raped a guy in the kitchen, he also claimed that James raped the co-owners son, which is why she quit.