Dear anti gun faggots. Switzerland. That is all

The problem isnt guns. The problem is that we dont kill murderous faggots in america.

Other urls found in this thread:

the problem is shit-skins*

Avg household incomes and gdp of both places?


You can own firearms in Honduras.

Try researching before you post you dumb nigger.
do your research before spreading bullshit

Guntards can't make a single comment without vulgarities, especially homophobic slurs like "f****t". This is a reflection of their inherent mental instability and masculine insecurity, the reasons for which they cling to their murder machines.

Wew, dodged one there. Dated a honduran 3.14 qt for about 6 months during Obama admin. She wanted to take me there. I thought better to keep my blonde blue eyed ass in the states instead. I dumped her because she showed up at my house dressed like a pirate to go out to eat.

lip service... left uses the umbrella term "gun control" without proposing anything... otherwise obama would have done something when he had the senate

>Guntards can't make a single comment without vulgarities, especially homophobic slurs like "f****t". This is a reflection of their inherent mental instability and masculine insecurity, the reasons for which they cling to their murder machines.

How new are you?


Switzerland doesn't require people to own guns.

Looking at most of the top countries by gun ownership rates, they're mostly shitholes, Norway and Finland aside.

The only shitholes on that list are America, Iraq, Yemen and Oman.

>Guns per 100 residents

What is population density.



>not shitholes


Civilian gun ownership or overall gun ownership?


What would population density have to do with this?

It's not like the land owns guns. And Germany is dense. Norway is not. Yemen is dense. Uruguay is not. Density has nothing to do with it.

I call bullshit.

>What would population density have to do with this?

>It's not like the land owns guns

You're a faggot. No seriously, you're effeminate, that's why you're scared of big loud scary bang bang sticks.

spotted the commie faggot


>I have no explanation for my stupidity so I'll post a funny pic I found
Is this the infamous "dry british humor"?

>Please intelligently debate my non-sense and this cool infographic i found on jewgle

I thought nips were supposed to be good at math. How much did you pay for that proxy?

The nip is right, population density is almost entirely irrelevant here

I love that actually

Oman is actually a very nice country.

Balkbarians btfo