Shit goin on rn in my shit town

Shit goin on rn in my shit town

dude looks like he's 35 and he's in high school?

Did you report it

let it happen
the more resentment against shitskins the better

Account doesn’t exist.

Record it and keep us posted.

fake and gay

hello, from this shit area where its happening. this hector guy's name seems really familiar. Will post what i find out.

mrs straight is a teacher at jeffersonville high school of the NAFC district. possible target?

correction: principal, likely involved in the kids suspension.

mexican name possible illegal alien come to support left agenda

you school is open on prez day?


Is this fucking southern Indiana? I went to NAHS

hes a refugee you fucking racist

Report it, don't go to school for a while.

>unless you want to die, of course.


12:14? at the time of this post its only 12:12

>in his 30s and hasn't graduated high school

Checks out.

In investagating


Check. How tf is he a racist you literal cunt?

A school can’t spell INVESTIGATING right?? FFS


Fuck man, Sup Forums gets shit for causing these shootings. Nobody will give us props for stopping them.