Say something mean spirited about this fatty

Say something mean spirited about this fatty

She is very cute and I love her.

Who is this semen demon? I want to have sex with her.

Why is she disrobing

Best girl as long as she doesn't have the poop horn.

Fat in all the right places.

I wish she was plumper in all honesty.

I want to suck her tits.

I fucking love the fact that CKS basically used her as an imouto for the MC of that paizuri manga. She needs more love, though; criminally under-used.


She did her best to acquire sufficient training and get a job instead of going on the dole.

>say something mean spirited about this fatty
She's too skinny.

You deserve to marry me!

No-one deserves that fate user.

That's a good one. I'm not sure how to top that.

cream bread gone

Can I cream in her mouth?

She has a fat ass.

Damn, that's a massive ass.

>all plump/chubby fanart for Maid Dragon is either focused on Toohru, /ss/ titty monster, or Kobayashi herself
>almost nothing with her

I want to puke.

At least the fang is white and not some abominable flesh fang.

Megane OLs are olev, you mongoloid.

Get on with the times. Flesh fang is the new ruler of anime.

I physically shudder when I see such a terrible misjudgment of what some mentally ill people think is cute. It's horrifically bad.

Sounds like a personal problem old man.

Please don't classify this as a generational thing. I know there are plenty of younger people than me that would find that picture abhorrent or at the least lazy. It's just a line and a white fill in MS paint away from not being fucking retarded.

>I know younger people and they agree with me!
Sounds exactly like what an old man would say.

I'm not denying I'm older than 95% of this board. I'm 33 after all. Regardless flesh fangs are fucking horrific and lazy. My age doesn't have to factor into that.

Hahahaha simmer down old man, we wouldn't want you to get a heart attack.

Can you stop making this about my age and make it about the topic at hand? I'm not even that much older than you unless you're in school. Flesh fangs are plainly just gross.

>Can you stop making this about my age
Says the old man.
> I'm not even that much older than you
You're 10 years older than me, that's a pretty big difference.
You just DON'T GET IT old guy.

I bet she would do ANYTHING for a Klondike bar.

When you get older ten years won't make much of a difference. The only things you will have in ten years is your muscle mass if you lift and your wisdom. The constant teenage rebellion you will get from those much younger than you will seem like waves on the shore. Sure they take a bit of sand but in the end you will forever be a landmass having young whelps bite at your heels. In the end this is preference but one gained out of decades of good taste and seeing someone so young fall to the wayside is disheartening. There's nothing to get for you. You just see a facial feature being railroaded over in an insignificant way. For those whom have watched anime a lot longer than you it is a breech in design that should not be forded.

Too many words old man. This is our age now and we will rule it with flesh fangs!

Holy shit you're autistic

She is a distraction to all her male coworkers.

I'm pretty sure he's just joking. He's right though fleshfangs are a fucking disgrace.

Just two lines on my monitor. Maybe if you weren't posting on your phone it wouldn't be too long for you to read. Or maybe if you read some books instead of shitposting on the internet for the past two years. It will happen to you.

Calm down grandpa, it's not good to get your bloodpressure up.

>keep showing up at her desk with more sweets
>slip in condom
>she chews it like gum for 45 minutes

I'm 30 years old and I think fleshfang is cute. You can't stop me.

Dude. I'm drunk at this point. My blood pressure isn't going anywhere. The only thing that should be going anywhere is your shit taste and comprehension.

A bit of bad taste no matter how old you are.

She's dumb, fat and gross.
Worst dragon ever

I want her to sit on my face.

Also, needs more hmanga

Drinking at your age? That doesn't sound safe.

Preserves the materials at hand. Also why are you such a faggot with that picture?

>that condom on her desk
>(not gomu means rubber in japanese)


Alcohol preserves things because it kills things that live and would spoil them. It doesn't preserve living things.

You don't really know how to take a joke do you? Also "Is that a Jojo reference?" really tells what kind of cancer you are, whipper snapper.

Your statement was scientifically incorrect. Maybe you're growing senile already.


Ass too small. She needs to eat more and plump it up even bigger.

I'd cum inside her but I would wear a condom.

I'll leave her at the Alter crying tears of pure happiness. Then I'll feed her the biggest slice of cake so I can kiss the icing off of her lips and cheeks.
Now I get to cry ;_:

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