First of all, how many flagpoles are there on the campus?
1. Acquire cheap NSDAP flags (at least 3x5ft—if you can afford a larger one, more power to you)
2. Hoist them up EVERY FLAGPOLE IN U.C. BERKELEY on the midnight before Feb 22nd (George Washington's birthday).
3. See Berkeley receive a mass triggering to end all triggers.
Why? Because I'm bored and feel like making every liberal within a 10 mile radius shit themselves. You faggots wanna do this?

Other urls found in this thread:



This is the first thing I could find that's not originals: naziflag.com/
Keep looking if you want it cheaper though. I remember seeing them for $10 a while back on another website.

Fuck that, put up some sort of black power group's flag, seeing how long it stays up will be much more effective in telling how biased they are.

I'm in, live in San Ramon

Fuck off CIA scum.

All this would accomplish is giving leftists more ammunition.

But you already know that, dont you, Rabbi?



>a prank will make the faggots stronger

>a prank
You're an idiot

false flag, cia niggers must go.

not your personal army.

What the fuck happened to you guys? You used to have so much energy and do so much fun shit.

Nothing happened, we are just calling your kike ass out on a shitty idea.

Apparently Sup Forums has turned into the fucking GOP and is worried about public relations now. You're all fucking pathetic.

While I think this would be fucking hilarious, do you realise that on most online websites, it will take about a week or more to get much of anything? I know that on amazon, you can get an "overnight shipment" deal, but you will never find any decant NDSAP flag around. The only places I can think of is the NSM merch store- nsm88.org/merchandise/flags/flags.html , the super fucking sketchy TaiMart- taimart.com/flags/novelty-other-flags/3x5-novelty-other-flags/nazi-swastika-flag-3x5-90x150cm-100-polyester/ , and just this random ass site clled "nazi flag" naziflag.com/ .

neck yourself faggot.

Eat shit Mitch McConnel

>is worried about public relations now.
No, but "we" only follow through on ideas that are actually good. Your idea sucks, deal with it. Come back when you're at least 18.

If you purchase a flag, I'll do it. I'm Arabic, so I'll get away with it.

Seriously though, if you buy the flag and give me a place and time to meet, I'll do it and you can film it on my phone.

This is really fucking stupid, and for a single reason.

Flag poles are fixed locations.
People know where they will be in advance.
This means that any action to be done to the flagpole becomes an action of positioning. user needs to interact with the flagpole.

The left reads Sup Forums. They can thereby:
Block the pole.
Identify the dip shit walking up to the pole with the flag.
Limit the damage done, by simply removing the flag within the hour.

This is a shit idea OP, and you should feel bad.
Poster campaigns works because they are asymmetric in their deployment.

>In this thread
CIA niggers trying to set up a sting