Jokes in anime/manga you never got

Jokes in anime/manga you never got

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That anime is really perverted in general.

ass,pussy and two hands nigga


perfectly wholesome anime imo
i show it to my grandkids

I get the ass and pussy but if it's hands then what about her actual mouth

cunt, butt, mouth and urethra

that makes it 5 holes rather than 4

this would happen in alabama

Makes the most sense.

What about tits, thighs, feet and armpits? What about hair?

I rate this post patrician/10

This might be a "you must be this Japanese to get" joke

Cunt, ass, mouth and cleavage maybe.

I'm still immensely disappointed in the lack of doujins for this series.


Do you know how to count?

I think the joke was
>the other vagina down there
>the mouth vagina
And you substitute with whatever is the most shocking to you.

I though she mean her ears.

>Back of the knee, maybe?

>tfw we got the Anna and Sophia gangbang doujin but no Okuma getting raped by said slavs doujin

Maybe it wasn't something shocking but just her boobs?

Or maybe she meant her hand? She makes an opening with her hand in the picture.

That's not even a hole though, if we allow boobs then surely hands, thighs and even feet are now on the table as well.

>even japs don't understand the joke


mouth, pussy, ass, urethra

Aren't they the same on a girl?

take an anatomy class

cheeki breeki


No dumbass


Or read an Ogu doujin

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bexcelkou_0421 's2015/7/8 01: 20: 30
Looking at the animation called Shimoka
What do you mean by the
four mouths of a woman though I thought

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Views:9,028 Number of responses:2 Violation report
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Mr. y25861 2015/7/8 06: 50: 38
I have not seen that animation yet, but
maybe I usually
think that it is attached to the face, mouth for breathing and meals , attached to the crotch of the lower body, anus, maca, a mouth to have a pee w

Nice 2
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Mr. y258612015/07/08 06: 51: 50
Maybe it is because the nipple (hole in the part where breast milk comes out),
ears, nose is also a hole w

frekkin japs


Please be underaged. -Please-.

A Certain author has a very straight answer for this.

is that a doragon

The 4th is the urethra stupids. You can stick sex toys designed specifically for it i to it and everything.

>You can stick sex toys designed specifically for it
Do they even make those for girls? I think men who get off by shoving pens up their dickhole are much more common than women.

The joke is that the 4th mouth is a mystery.

Because that's the joke. Usually, it's three mouths. But she said four.


And its called "Sounding"

das is it mane

Nice Sup Forums thread