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My wife Hitagi is beautiful.

Shit taste man you could chosen any girl and you went for the cheating hoe

Linking this again for all the snail lovers to enjoy over and over with me.

Yozuru when?

Doll the best.

I had this on loop the whole day, even now.
The OP is godly.

not watching till i see actual show, no time

>Liking redditgahara

>redditgahara xD Xd XD
Back to with you.

I am doing exactly the same thing right now friend. It is one of the all time best only compared with Happy Bite, Renai Circulation and Platinum Disco. I like a lot of Monogatari OPs...

1:1 when

I want to fight on Ougi's side.

I don't know if I can wait until tomorrow, I need more monogatari goodness NOW

why does no one mention mousou express

I want to be Tsukihi's precious plushie!

It's pretty good, but not one the same level as this.

as good as renai?

I'm already pulling an allnighter so I can be there as soon as it's out.

I like that one a lot too. I just did not want to list all the best ones bc it would be quite the list.

Well, Renai even went further with that everybody circulation shit, but I guess it's on the same level as that. Atleast for my taste

Waza anime adaption when?? I want to see all those forms in 1 episode

Not him, but why are you so mad? Just get a better taste

Considering there's still 2 novels before that and knowing it's shaft, probably like 3 years if they put the whole Oroka novel into one season.

please stop making fun of gahara

my wife karen is beautiful

Best imoutos of all time

The Araragis are the sexiest family

>Monogatari characters drawn in the style of Douman Saiman
It's... it's perfect....

>Hold hands and call each other by their first names
So this is a metaphor for fucking in the backseat, right?

>Giving time to the redditgahara meme at all when its just a few samefags trying to make it a thing

He is a fan of niso

These are from Dowman himself.

Not him either but why do you care what other people like?

>There will never be an anime adaptation of Douman's works made by Shaft



Waiting for the pantsu-less edit

>There will never be an anime adaptation of Douman's works at all

I can't see how anyone could say that Hitagi isn't the most well developed and best girl.

I don't think any other studio would do him justice, they would censor the shit out of it

They fucked after

Do you know if it'll be out by 12:00 with eng subs?


I don't know what time it is in your country, but its 3 am for me so in about 9 hours it's gonna release in nihongo, so I'm guessing 2-4 hours more and it's there.

I never know that Araragi loves mature women

our hero

Nice memetext, cancer. Go back to wherever you came from.


someone translate this shit


Their date was done way better in the anime compared to the novel. Shaft did right even with the shitty budget.

And this too, please. I need to know Nisio.exe's schedule.

Yes please someone translate this

I don't like gahara though.

Remember when he went shopping for porn mags? Gaen is right in his strike zone.

The res is shit. Give it up.

Hanekawas boobs are too big. Kizu makes it really blatant. She should have more modest sized ones like in the LNs. Bigger than everyone else but not overly huge.

Give him better res you fag, I want to know the gods routine.

nice try reddit

What is that?

I can read most of it in Chinese but not sure about the exact meaning of some words.

Found a twitter post with some info.

>6 hours sleep + 2 x 2 hour naps
>2 hours, 4 times a day of work, ~5000 characters

it looks like power levels desu

No, those are just characteristics. Like Shinobu is a loli and hentai, Kaiki is a pure liar, Araragi is negative and a big brother.

>Araragi is negative and a big brother.

Big Brother as in Orwell's 1984?

>Like Shinobu is a loli and hentai
I can understand loli, but hentai?

>crabfags are ESL third worlders

sure explains a lot

she's a pervert

Nisio might have read some tanabe kyou doujins.

t. juan

She was lewd in Kabukimonogatari

Hentai means pervert in japanese.

She was like : Tells Araragi to fuck whoever he wants to fuck, don't be a chicken. "Girls should be married when they ability to be pregnant." "I wanna molest small Araragi so badly." Before their relationship getting better at the end of Kabuki.

Oh, I see.
Though I think the only scene where's she's like that is the shotaragi scene. Atleast in the anime, I didn't read all the novels, still working on it.

Did you forget that Araragi himself is influencing her?

She's the one influencing him. Araragi isn't considered a pervert according to that graph

Fuck the graph. In what universe Araragi isn't considered a pervert?

Is that when she said she never protected her chastity?

Just finished Kizu part 3. Araragi's really kind of a dick isn't he? It's like forcing someone to live on life support, trapped in their own body, suffering for all eternity, just because you don't want to let them go.

oh god I missed this so damn much

He's the hero we all need

It's true. Next thing you know the graph will say Hanekawa is a closet lolicon or lesbian or something.

Also Nisio, is it because Hanekawa has the highest INT of all your characters that you keep her in the background, is her genius too powerful for the plot?

The real reason for Kiss-shot to wants to suicide was because of loneliness. She said if Araragi being her side as a vampire she will be able to keep living. Araragi was just throwing the options back to Kiss-shot to let her choose: 1. Kill me 2. Stay with me for all eternity

She's not even herself anymore. I mean I know every Sup Forumsnon would love to get turned into a little girl but really, it's a pretty shitty thing he did.

Hanekawa's already had a few arcs of her own.

>it's a pretty shitty thing he did
Funnily enough Shinobu willingly turns back into a little girl after regaining her full power in Owari so I wonder if she would agree with you now if you were to ask her about Araragi's decision back then.

No, she just drove him home gently. How stupid can you be?

I mean they are at same level. They force each other into a situation that they have to kill the other one to go back to normal life. If they choose to live together, the only two situations are Kiss-shot loses all his power or Araragi loses his humanity. Both are really terrible situations. You can not just blame one of them at this point. And I don't why you think she's not herself anymore.

why is the bridge turning white? is it because of araragi's semen being spilled?

>implying she isn't at least bi

The sun setting and the lights being turned on.

its probably still some cheeky shaft symbolism like the extra innings bit of the tooth brush scene where the blimp model from tip to end shined implying lewdity. Yet theoretically nothing happens. But who knows. Alot of actions like the valentines day thing where senjo and ara are at her apartment and she puts hair back and straddles him, that implies too lewdity yet cut away from scene and hes back home normal. thats SHAFT for you?


tits > lolis