Limit the Use of Artificial intelligence in the work force

The robot age is inevitable but the robot uprising is not. Whether it's in 50, 20, or even 100 years, scientists believe humanity will lose most if not all of its jobs to the robots. I believe by passing laws that limit how much of Artificial Intelligence a business can use to produce in relation to what its human workforce produces and maybe some hefty AI taxes, with the some additional ethical thinking, not only will we still have humans at work, they will be able to work with Artificial Intelligence with minimal interference. I know that it hinders progress to stop businesses from cutting costs to produce, but if slowing down progress means to ensure humanity survives then so be it. That's just my opinion, what do you guys think?

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You cannot stop the future. Ted Kacyznski may be right, but there's nothing that can be done. Progress marches on.

Buy DBC.

We can't stop the future but we can change it.

Can't stop the march of tech, just pray that it becomes souless Fascism and not some mis-guided do gooder progressivism. More to fear and lose against something that believes it is doing good or in the greater good.

lmao darwin

Why should we try to stop it?

>why would I cuck my species?

If you had a successful AI ban, unless it was worldwide, what would likely happen is that some other country without these laws would develop a recursively self-improving AI millions of times smarter than a human, that your AI-less country would be defenseless against.

Humanity is overrated

No just make it