Dragon Ball Super
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First for caulifla
Best Character. Obviously.
Reminder that Son Goku is beautiful.
Can you just stop shitposting? What do you get out of it?
"Caurifra! Owari da!"
has it aired yet? i'm stuck on public transportation
No one cares user
Impressive. Thread already ruined in 3 minutes. Good job Gohanfags and Caulifuckers.
Say goodbye to universo 10 compadres
50 minutes till it starts.
Zamasu was right, he was right during his arc, yet you doubted him and made fun of him, getting deleted was his last sign of truth, and this tournament was what he wanted to avoid. Now you need to apologize to Zamasu, Black and their arc.
Shut the fuck up, retard
no episode today
Could he have saved them?
Why is universe 10's angel so CUTE?
Caulifla ring outs: 5
Gohan ring outs: 0
best girl wins again
Why are the Gohanfags so angry all the time?
How do you manage to mess up a thread so quickly?
They know that everyone hates them and they need to release their anger.
sopa de macaco um delicia
Well, it is on Sup Forums. The only way it could mess up faster would be if it was on Sup Forums
Sh-shut up guys... H-he'll do good this time.
Still no one cares
Why did she have to transform? Doesn't she understand she's already perfect?
10 seconds maximum.
Was it Jiren or Vegeta that ended the smelly love attack?
>Over 20 years of jobbing and 1(one)(uno) worthwhile highlight to make up for it
I'd be angry too if my favorite character was a compulsive jobber.
No, /ourprince/ will put Jiren to bed
wakey wakey 17
No, he'll go out in one punch again even though he was able to take beating after beating in Z.
I need more gifs of 17
>base form
Dumb Vegeta poster.
I love Vegeta but Tori hates him, there's no way for this to happen.
>Gohan is canonically stronger than SSB Goku
I need more lewds of Freeza.
The objective is survive, not ring out
Goku was holding back and as soon as he pulled his shit together he raped Cuckhan.
Watch it, roastie.
One is a dumb thot, the other is a fat whale. Both are disgusting
>holding back
>forced to go SSJB Kaioken x10 to win
>A kaioshin that has fused with a saiyan god that probably would have rivaled Beerus.
I don't see even see u.7 beating that.
Chad is back baby!
We need more videos BASHING what Dragon Ball turned into. Nothing against the video, but we already know most of what the series did right. Seeing how DBS is turning out, I'd like to see some more critical looks at how the series changed over time.
>tfw CHADhan still hasn't even gotten his new form yet
dumb gohanposter
Gohan begged him to and then got BTFO the minute he did
They only need to ring him out, which is doable, but probably not when there's 69 other fighters to deal with too.
>even frenchfags are gohanfags
is gohan the most popular character in the western world?
Daddy, PLEASE go all out! I'll do anything!
Oh, good god.
I don't watch magical girl shit, why did they shout this to transform? Is this supposed to be a meme or something?
They chose Krillin over Trunks. I died inside a little to be honest. Krillin, Tienshithan and Roshi are the biggest jobbers ever.
These are your new main characters. Say something nice about them.
Post more caulifla Sup Forumsrothers!
Future Trunks, Present Trunks, Present Goten never ever.
Hmm I wonder why Gohan became so submissive
Brianne thought she owned the battlefield. 17 swiftly put her in her place. Him and Vegeta will use the dragon to revive Brianne after accidentally killing her during the tournament.
>welcome to the world of the erased old man its still full of ningens
>they've all had more action in the ToP than Gohan
Really activates the brain zenkais
Sup Forums? Get you and your fucking traps out of here, you degenerate.
What about you?
time for your daily dose user. Start worshiping.
And by what we learned about Black's nature then he would have enjoyed making everyone his punching bag.
Honestly I am really sad that Toei didn't do the ToP first before starting the Black arc.
coming soon to this thread
missing best boy.
Reminder he is still the strongest saiyan
>Gohans had no action, but it's still more action than Cell.
What has is turned into?
n-nothing, I'm sorry for interrupting.
I want Freeza to bully Vegeta more. It is the best thing about this arc.
She's a best!
is it time already for your daily medications?
jesus, who woke up the spics
Soon bros.
oh but he's right here
just pretend that Goku is Burakku
Daily reminder.