Exogularity / Schwarzesmarken / Total Eclipse / Muv Luv

What do you guys think of robot Meiya and Cryska 2.0?

Other urls found in this thread:


Also, BETA TSFs and war designs.




Some you will be very happy to learn that the Americans are still around, or at least their TSFs. This 8th Generation TSF is called the F-47 ISHKUR (why American's are naming TSFs after Mesopotamian Gods, who knows).

The art looks Ban's. Also, Ban is known for drawing dick girls.

Space was a mistake.

Well, many of the characters are transhuman in one form or another.


Holy shit, that's awesome

What is this expression conveying?


I wanna hug Inia in front of Kasumi

So BETA are producing war-biomachines now?

They are starting to look organic and beta-like. Pretty soon they'll probably look like EVAs.

>haha, time for lewd with Onii-chan

Dude. Those are new BETA strain, not biomechanical mankind made TSF. Superior decided to let humanity taste some of thier own medicine.

scan it please

That bottom right, I assume those design are for launching projectile or something.
Did their technology go full circle after their laser class rendered ineffective against rutherford field.

Imagine the first time humanity encountered those.

Bingo. It's not called the trebuchet class for nothing.

Probably something like this

They're using human guns

what game is that?

Their machine gun is looted ? Or the beta reproduce it 1:1

Wait what
What happened?
Is Kouki actually WORKING now?

Either looted, or they've found some humans who are sympathetic to them.

What the hell is this

I want Beato robofu!

Oh that's doujin.
Damn you OP, I though MLA2 was happening or something.

It's official, you fag.

>large groups of vat Beatos

Would that be the best ufufu and ara ara?

You're relaxing at the sauna one day when...

...this pulls up next to you.

>Would that be the best ufufu and ara ara?



What do you do?

Ignore in favor of best imouto.

I had a dream about her the other night, and I was sucking on her wet tongue. It was mostly tasteless but lightly sweet, almost fruity. Then it just ends before anything else happens. Like why the fuck does it always happen like that?



>Cryska and Meiya
>in one game
>semen demon main heroines in the vein of TE instead of the moefest we got for SM's heroines

This is quite the improvement! I just hope that we'll be able to bad end romance the hot main villainess this time around.

How about this instead?


>yfw cannot fuck the Goddess Empress of Mankind
Feel bad, lads.

>dozens of vat Beatos ara araing, ufufuing, mothering, and cooking

You can fuck her assistant

Where and how do I fap to everything beato and that one blonde with short hair and big tits?

Please don't remind me of the dumpster fire that is Strike Frontier.

Strike Frontier, it's awful.

Espers really are best girls.


>Where and how do I fap to everything beato
That's not exactly hard.

Controversial opinion:Lise and Iris would look better with shorter hair

I want to watch "Friends" with Yui.
I don't even like that show. I just want to know if she starts crying during a theme song.
>"I'll be there for you"

So is that Exogularity just a collection of concept art that will never end up as a full fledged VN or something that is already a work in progress? I though next age release was supposed to be Eurofront.

probably just concept
they haven't even completed TDA yet. Heck wasn't there suppose to be a new Vn they were working on?

I've been searching for game cgs but can't find anything where beato is getting piped down

Her sex cgs were posted in the last thread user. The links are still there, if you can find it in the archive. Here's a hint, 90% of imgur links leads to CG leaks.

i saw those already, is that really it? i didnt even get hard

She only has 3 CG sets so far, which is less than Katia or Iris, but still impressive considering that not only is she not even a heroine, she's the main villain.

Kasumi is not a good girl.

we gundam 00 now


Concept designs for the epilogue of the Alternative manga and possible sequel.

No sequel set in stone yet.

Alright I'll try to find the other 2 sets thanks for the info brodie

The /u/ set was never released.

Will we have humanity sympathy humanoid BETA waifus then?

No, we knight of Sidonia now.


Jesus Christ how horrifying.

Welp, I guess I like dick girls now too.

BETAs taking on the form of humanity one step further.


Time to over analyze this shit, first the helmets. BAN clearly used helmet from his twitter pic as inspiration. They look pretty cool

Assuming these are what these suits will looks like the future, they dont look that bad. But the old designs were more uniform across genders. Looks at the boots for example.

This is interesting, seems like different versions on Susano. Which is not surprising but this one has a back arm.

fuck forgot the image

And this attached to the back of it, presumably for space launch and reentry.

Mass produced Susanoo sounds terrifying.

Many threads back, I remember user theorizing about this. It was discussion about the story of The Next Answer. He said something along the line

>Just you wait, as soon as humanity starts mass producing of Susanoos, BETA will be shitting bricks.

I guess none of us predicted Kouki pulling this shit

>When you see it
Jesus, this is super fucking creepy.

Also I guess there now will be a side story about some crazy guy trying to merge Hybrid-class with an actual TSF. Like [input anime name here].

Interesting discussion in this thread for once.

Do they want to turn MuvLuv into a money printer like FSN ?

this is particularly interesting, these are the spaceships we saw at the end of the manga (one looks like escort and the other is mothership). But i wonter what are those halo like rings in the background. Is that how they achieve FTL speed? A warp gate perhaps.

And I assume the small satellites are the good old nuclear launch platforms.

lets try that again

And then there is this. Is it me or the new girls literally are the old crew with slightly new design?

>the old crew
fuck, do we have a TL user there, what does it say under the girls?

This is the fucking best direction they could have taken the series in. As someone who read MLA years back and never cared for the new entries, I'm excite as fuck again.

Hopefully they deliver.

They could easily but they would need other popular writers to take the series in other directions and bring in other people who wouldn't be interested in a ML product.
Fate became what it is today because Nasu rented it to his friends to experiment with.

More like they used original designs and altered them slightly, the real question is why.

What if it's a plot point? Like, they're clones of the heroes that cleared a hive.

Don't fuck with the hair.

Chizuru is my mistress

I dont mind, but thats assuming something will come out of this concepts. We still dont have Steam release of Alt.

Kasumi clones them because she miss the old crew too much.

not in the million years, it has to be Yuuko

Fuck is there more of this?


>Like, they're clones of the heroes that cleared a hive.
Oh, now THAT would be fun.
Especially if they are vat-grown first and then transfered into quantum-computer brains so they can operate their weapons and shields.

Telling Yuuki that she's useless and will never be as smart as her mother!

... whats the point of the suit looking air-tight, but leave out are for hair to come out of?