Well I got banned from my favorite boards, so I guess I'm with you losers a few days. What are we memeing about...

Well I got banned from my favorite boards, so I guess I'm with you losers a few days. What are we memeing about? MUH RACISM? MUH INSECURITY? MUH DSPRESSION? MUH LEARNING DISABILITY?

Bet you didn't get banned from your favorite website. Maybe you should go back there

Sup Forumstards have gone full Fox News-tier boomer in defense of MUH GUNS, enjoy your stay

I literally don't know the url. What is it with 4can and it's Reddit boner

>Well I got banned from my favorite boards, so I guess I'm with you losers a few days. What are we memeing about? MUH RACISM? MUH INSECURITY? MUH DSPRESSION? MUH LEARNING DISABILITY?
We're discussing what a massive fag you are.

I'm pseudo banned from this board, so I'm pseudo posting

Mostly gun control for obvious reasons, and when not discussing gun control, we are complaining about muslim immigrants while our solution is to build the wall to stop mexicans

Oh lol I like that episode

>What is it with 4can and it's Reddit boner
What is it with Reddit and it's Sup Forums boner?
Fixed it for (YOU).

If you're going to take this bait, don't forget to sage.