Owarimonogatari Season 2 Episode 1 and 2 are out.
Snail is finally back.
Owarimonogatari Season 2 Episode 1 and 2 are out
You're late op
I've been here all along, the old thread is just hitting the end of page 10.
My wife Hitagi-san is the best, snail sucks ass.
The last like 2 years I've been able to read the LN before the anime airs.
For both Kizu parts 1 2 and 3.
And now Owari Season 2.
The light novels are an enjoyable read and leaves the anime all seemed rushed.
Nevertheless, just watched episode 1. Gotta watch episode 2 after work.
Ougi parts going to be split into 2 more episodes tomorrow?
Is Commie subbing this?
That's rude user.
Probably, even if, it's probably gonna take ~ 1 year
It's probably going to be one 24 min episodes which is a recap voiced by cat and then either 48 min or 1 h 12 min full of Ougi Dark.