Swastikas drawn on Polish embassy in Tel Aviv

Is this a joke? It's like a six year old trying to be extra edgy and fucking up the drawing.


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>is this a joke
what else would it be?

jews are literally incapable of drawing a swastika, the power of the symbol makes them screw it up

Fivteen eughty ate Hayelgd hotlert!


idiots can't even draw a proper swastika





Jews being jews

Heil hortler


>those Swastikas

Polish death camps.

The Jew fears the samurai.


Hail Hiller!

This is now a Hortler thread.

Post Hortlers and swistakis




push more and you see it soon







>Nazi germany killed more Poles than Jews.
>Everybody says the biggest victim of WW2 were jewish nation and the biggest villain was Polish nation.

Jewish IQ.

>The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

This shit blows my mind. They know it is a jew that did the graffiti and still act like they need to be on edge. It's still a hate crime to them... You can't make this shit up.

Muh Poles are innocent!

No. Poles murdered Jews during and after ww2.


Poles got wrecked by Communist Jews.

Just because Jews from Russia were killing people inside Poland, does not make Poland guilty.

>Poles murdered Jews during
>and after ww2
Even better

Why the meme flag, Shlomo?

>Jews supposedly have a high IQ
>Can't even draw one of the most archaic and easily recognizable symbols on the planet

>maybe I'll move to iceland, it's really nice there
>immediately starts trying to destroy iceland the moment he gets here
Are you watching this, icelanders?

>implying anybody was intentionally killed
Not their fault you got cucked out of a war senpai.

It's been opined that they do this intentionally to avoid giving the symbol metaphysical power.

That's nonsense. It was a Polish pogrom led by ethnic Poles. You say the left don't listen to reason, logic and facts when you just do the same. Why are you so quick to excuse the Poles when the evidence is there?

You are sick.

Hah because yes, I am Jewish and if I show my flag the whole conversation will just turn to attacking Israel.

This is a fact. Jews know the power of symbols, it is why they take over media

Who the fuck opined that?

But in real terms, the power of the image is something they're trying to preserve. Which is why they constantly do it and try and push their multi-millennia victim-narrative.

Jews deserved it for what they did to Poland in both Soviet invasions.

Reminder that when jews do a false flag hate crime they always draw it wrong; their retarded religion doesn't allow them to do it correctly and it makes their opponents look incredibly retarded.

So you admit it happen, as to if they deserved it is an entirely different matter. It happened and Poles can't just wash it away from history. You all act as though because Auschwitz was in Poland it must have only been the Germans but in 1946 Jews were being systemically targeted and killed by the Poles. Trying to somehow white wash crimes against Jews is really hurtful and pretty twisted.


>Germans killed shitton of Poles and destroyed almost every building.
>Most of land after WW2 became got taken by Polish goverment because owners were killed by germans and nobody wanted terrains where there were only ruins.
>when ruins were taken away and many buildings were built in their place israel says they have right to some lands because former owners(who were Poles in first place) prayed to jahwe.
>Israel started making antipolonism propaganda to force Poland to give shit what israel thinks they have right to

You really don't com across as kosher when you don't refute the facts but instead just turn to antisemitism.

Hell yea fuck the kikes

I'm not Jewish so I don't give a fuck whether or not something hurts you. Jews raped all of eastern Europe for decades, you deserve less than zero sympathy.

Kys these aren't the glorious Aryan symbols of peace and purity.

Is there any truth to this or are you just talking shit?

>0.1% of Jews did something bad therefore all Jews must suffer but the equally, if not higher percentage of whites that did something bad and it's wrong for all whites to suffer because of that?

So you basically are a left winger. all whites must suffer for their Empire building. It's only fair if all Jews have to suffer because of what a handful of them did.


Fake and gay.
There is no such article.
Also February 18, 2018 is Sunday.

Look up how they write 'God'. In every language they refuse to write it out and they skip letters. When they were allowed into America they refused to make X's on the forms because they see the cross as a symbol of Christ, who they hate. So they made little circles, or 'kikels' in yiddish, and this is why we call them kikes. They even made up an alternative plus sign for math for the same reason. Jews are obsessed with this shit.

>they still can't draw them right
>but they expect us to believe actual Nazis can't draw a swastika

Basically every Jew was a communist, most of them still are. And I don't give a shit about fake universalism, what is good for my people is good. Jews are bad for my people, so they need to fuck off.

Nearly every Jew votes for what hurts whites in the countries they live in. And European empire building has basically helped everyone that lives where they built.

Poland really got helped


KEK poland dont feel bad about ww2


Almost every American under 25 is a socialist, so I guess that means we can gas you all? Old, babies and so on.

Antisemitism is NOT cool and it's NOT ok.

Jewish invention and tech has helped a lot of people. Lots of Jews are conservative. You just confuse Jews with globalists like George Soros who hates Israel himself.

I am surprised that they managed right angles.

Poles are legitimately retarded. I'm old and I remember when my city was almost completely white and without bumbling boat vermin around, poles were very obviously the dumbest drunkest fools that everybody laughed at.
If no Ukrainians were around.

You can try. But then who would you leech off of? Anti-Semitism is the natural response to Semitism. Stop Jewing and people will stop hating you.

No Western governments funded Israel when the country was formed, the country was built by Jews. We never leeched off anyone.


Jewish women are hot, hot, hot!

13 d 577 6 brother


No one is buying it anymore, Ari. Just give up and stay in your shithole. Poland is only the beginning. This time it will be worldwide, you won't be able to stop the flow of information anymore.

Antisemitism will never be tolerated again. You should be jailed for your hateful genocidal views. I'm out of here, this is too hurtful.

I think people that draw swastikas wrong are probably so bothered by them they're never looked straight at one.

>Lots of Jews are conservative

Yeah, like 99.9% like you mentioned? Oh wait, nothing even close to that. They're probably like 70-80% democrats? Might as well just be blacks.

I'm all for a global Jew purge, but can we do it right this time?

Why would that be bad? You wouldn't want that pesky old truth out there would you? Show your flag flaggot

>low spatial IQ

80% of the bolsheviks were Jewish as were the people during the holodomor.

ahahahah EPIC dude!

Is it some kind of a religious thing that prevents them from drawing the swastika normally?

Will they catch on fire if they draw a regular swastika?

There's a few theories ITT.


glad to see my fellow crusaders actually answering the kike question


You have nowhere to run to this time, jew.

Then there's this fun album.
Fairly certain the singer/bassist is jew as well since his depiction in album is B-Assfucker, Ssatanic Ssemitic Ssemen Ssummons.

Tfw you can’t afford name brand

aha got him Sup Forumsro!


Shit JIDF shill is shitty


Hale Hortler!


They do this on purpose because they don't want to disgrace Israel with an actual Swastica.

What are those?


jews can't meme

yeah normies are going to think the perpetrators are retarded nazis

the real reason is that nazis are powerful
this is why WW2 movies dont show powerful nazi moments

Well, percentage-wise jews lost the most. And nobody says poles were the biggest villain.

according to 6 gorillion?

>Jew drawn spastikas

never change kikes