>inb4 mass shooting at protest
Inb4 mass shooting at protest
too bad this faggot didnt die
The fuck is this guy gonna do? Throw flags of peace at me?
Nice passive aggressive comment.
I love it. Your either with them or you hate children and want them to die. Well the jokes on them I actually do. Stupid kids and their music, iPads, and bright futures.
He's George Bush now
I’m against you. You little faggot.
>with us or against us
>trying to take my guns
I suppose I'm against you, scrawny minor with nogunz. I'm armed to the teeth. You have no fucking chance. Deal with it.
Reminder: This IS war.
okay so who is paying for the lodging and travel to go from florida to dc? Parents gonna take some time off of work? How many? Faaaaaake
wow it's like I can see the yarmulke on him
>you're with us or against us
Reek of Jew
Anyone have the dibs on this faggot? Heard he was a jew son of a jew democrat florida government member.
Come And Take It, you little prick
>okay so who is paying for the lodging and travel
Do you even have to ask?
>you're either with us or against us
I will be on the side with guns thanks.
>shooting in the middle of hardcore libtard land Florida
>bunch of kikes scurry out of the school like cockroaches
>immediately start screeching about Activism™
This hard push for gun grabbing by the jewish press is simply because members of the tribe were correctly gunned down by a feral retard that they can't wholly pin on """white nationalism"""
>March for our lives
>We are going to be marching together as students begging for our lives
Excellent! Some good came out of this tragedy. Now I would make it absolutely clear that metal detectors and armed personal are a minimum and none negotiable core principle. I do hope they also push for more assertive outreach programs to help students who are being outcasted reconnect with the human condition so they are not driven to kill their fellow students. I would hope but honestly do not trust most teachers but allowing them to also conceal carry would be a step in the right direction. Provided they have shown they are able to keep their cool and never allow the firearm out of their reach.
I know that side Im on.
>you're either with us or against us
what are you gonna do, shoot me?
>bright futures
I don't trust the look of that kid.
Nobody's posted this yet? I'll just say NO EXCEPTIONS
Damn this kid is savage. Would donate to his patreon.
>kids decide our laws
Peak degeneracy
oh shit, i'm accidentally against students now
>March for our lives
That's fucking gay
How much will be too much, I wonder.
Maybe if your country wasn't as inneficient and corrupt as any other third world country you could have that
But as it stands now schools are severely missmanaged up to the point where the average salary for a teacher is like 55k and they don't even get money for school supplies
And then you want to spit in their faces and buy multiple metal detectors and armed guards for every school?
Fucking amerimutts I swear
>Dems push for gun control in an election year
Does anyone get a deep sense that there's something wrong with this kid just look at his face and the kids behind him? He looks like he's going to shoot up a school himself.
hahaha i'm against you young shabbos goy. i'm not giving up my freedom to tyrants. faggot.
fucking kike and with their jewsih tricks
Jesus Christ, Sup Forums
I know you guys are all about abandoning humanity for the sake of memes but this is sad. I just want you all to remember this thread next week when you complain about your parents being embarrassed by you ranting about the jews at the dinner table again and you ask why no one will believe you when you say the FBI is a masonic authoritarian regime set up by (((them))) to keep the redpilled MGTOWs in the dark
dudes this shit is so fuckin crazy its giving sandy hoax run for its money
It's his right to march and demonstrate so I don't really see the problem with it. Unless they bring some really solid concepts for legislation it won't mean dick.
I'm sorry is fucking mexico trying to say our nation is fucked up when the largest source of income by a country fucking mile is illegal sending you untaxed money across the border?
>le 56%
Yeah because of fucking mexicans. Why don't you unfuck your corrupt government and cartel problem before flinging shit. At least I do not have to worry about being flayed alive and having my hands cut off because I upset some cartel member.
> At least I do not have to worry about being flayed alive and having my hands cut off because I upset some cartel member.
I don't have to worry about getting shot by a psycho when I go to school
Or the shopping mall
Or go to work
Or leave my house
We're definitely against you, Jew. I don't know how much clearer we could be about it.
u dumbo
No. You just have to worry.
About being flayed alive
Having your hands cut off
Because you pissed off some drug lord's 3rd cousin.
>56% meme
Nigger you ARE the pollutant. You are trying to make me feel lesser because of the lack of whiteness when you ARE the cause of non-whiteness. You are saying you are literally cancer.
That teenage normie wisdom.
Yeah you just have to worry about being skinned alive by the cartel.
How progressive!
Should be glad their parents didn't abort or swallow them.
> uneducated american thinking he knows what the fuck is up in mexico
As long as you don't fuck around with the cartels or hang around with drug dealers nobody will fuck with you.
It's not like they pick random people off the street to behead.
Americans on the other hand pick random people to shoot it seems
That's taste of "conservatve" gen Z for you.
I don't live in fucking Mad Max world, so I'm the superior race!
Oyyyy veeeyyyy
>as long as you don't upset the local drug cartel that skins people alive you have nothing to worry about!
>except the local drug cartel that skins people alive
>or the corrupt police that work for the cartel
>or random people with illegal guns because you have no real laws
>or the rampant poverty
Yeah mexico sounds like a dream. It is a damn stumper why you have people fleeing your country en mass to ours. It sounds so nice.
I know it's hard for americans to not be complete douchebags and piss everyone off but you can live a normal life in Mexico if you stick to your business and be careful of who you hang out with
in america you can get shop up any minute by people with legal guns
Your countnry is a shithole and all first world nations point and laugh at you whenever a mass shooting happens and the only solution on the table is thoughts and prayers
How is this normalfag neglected?
Did a little digging. Couldn't find a political connection to that name. But I did find a Robert Kasky who is a lawyer in Broward County.
Not sure if there is a relationship to the teen, but something else was interesting.The lawyer's phone number is the same as an adoption agency. Cruz was adopted after his mother supposedly died. Is it possible this lawyer is related to the gun-grabbing kid and facilitated Cruz's adoption to further groom him?
>you can live a normal life in Mexico if you stick to your business and be careful of who you hang out with
>as long as you don't upset the drug cartels that skin people alive
>as long as you don't get picked up by the police that are controlled by the drug cartels that skin people alive
>as long as you keep your head down and never upset someone that could potentially be related to the police controlled by the police who are controlled by the drug cartels that skin people alive or upset someone that could potentially be related to the drug cartels that skin people alive
>you can live a normal life
You really have no leg to stand on spic. Probably because the drug cartel cut it off with a chain saw.
Wait, wait, wait
This is one of the kids that knew the guy was a problem and all he did was cry on youtube and facebook about it? The same kids that never grew balls to actually face the guy? He already distrusted government or authority but now want Drumpf to clean up his mess because he was too beta to do anything? This kid?
> Be mexican
> Piss off somebody
> Get shot
> Be american
> Get shot
I wonder which is worse
Stay safe Trump
This cultural revolution cannot succeed
I would think the place you still get shot but the people shooting you are controlling the police and where they will flay your skin off while you are still alive to send a message and the water makes you shit blood. So mexico, it is a shit hole country and you trying to pretend the US is worse. The best part is you are trying to make the US sound worse because of the 56% meme when your shit blood is what it is all about. You are quite literally telling me as more and more of your filth cross over we become a weaker nation. I could not agree more. Mexico is shit because it is filled with Mexicans.
do these soy boys, unable to do the simplest things like change a cars oil, think they have any chance of doing anything of value?
do they think they're revolutionaries? the south are savages and would rip them apart, only needing a few good people at the top giving orders.
people are fucked in destitute and have nothing to live for, they'd happily fuck over rich coastal elite libs for even a little of what they have.
tread lightly lib faggots.
its ok when they do it, user, calm down
I was expecting a shit ton of mass shootings with over 100 dead, but nope more like 50 dead so far.
Meanwhile in Chicago
56 dead so far.
>inb4 mass shooting at protest
Place your bets bros. Will that happen?
These kids have obviously had Marxist training.
>I would hope but honestly do not trust most teachers but allowing them to also conceal carry would be a step in the right direction. Provided they have shown they are able to keep their cool and never allow the firearm out of their reach.
yeah because that will totally send out the right message to kids. wtf man, arming teachers is a bad idea from the get go. but i do agree with your view on what that march should focus on. for all this ((inclusiveness)) we have in this world there are still tons of children who just wont fit in. understandable as most of today's etiquette are based on lies, and go against human nature.
what has this world become when we are seriously debating armed guards for schools. i think it is about time we start looking in to what makes a school shooter tick.
should the Americans be disarmed? Hell no. but a few regulations here and there should be considered. i know Americans and regulations by federal government don't mix very well but even the nuttiest of the gun nuts must admit that something has to be done...on a whole lot of levels.
every time i turn on CNN (online) its always another worst thing ever. and how I(?!) should feel bad about that
who is really falling behind here? and why.
it is about time to admit that the current situation does NOT work
>gun sale
fuck if i know, but blindly selling guns to anybody that walks in to your store is just crazy in my European state of mind
what are these parents of school shooters really doing to prevent their kids from taking their guns and going on a rampage. also it is about time that these parents undergo a serious to the bone psychological assessment concerning their style of raising a child
separation of the sexes at school should imho prevent 99.9% of these events.
>begging for their lives
wow, how cucked is gen-z?
Guess that means we are against them.
>>inb4 mass shooting at protest
one could dream
Instead of God they pray to the state.
>I would hope but honestly do not trust most teachers but allowing them to also conceal carry would be a step in the right direction. Provided they have shown they are able to keep their cool and never allow
90% liberal stantistic looney tuned obama bunghole licking freaks - in other words, they will target any student white male and trump loving --- "oh.. he was reaching for his... it was a cellphone but.. yeah he was screaming racial epithets ... I thought it was a gun and he was going to shoot other students.. so I emptied two clips into the nazi..."
After review the teacher has been promoted to lifetime tenure
Whenever coming across these cryptos in real life and overhearing them trying to subvert a discussion like this, I always intentionally exclaim "oy vey" or something along those lines that does not directly call them out but lets them that I know.
The saying about them recoiling when they are found out is true. It is fascinating how their personality and demeanor instantly change.
oh rly.. what racial epithets was he screaming ?
"Well, you could tell he was thinking them."
jews gonna jew
Are these the first sacrifices for the coming holy war for Betheleham?
How does a Mexican of all people think he has the place to talk down to Americans? The 56% meme is for white Europeans (And Chileans) Not Mexican 40% spicy el nunez
>bright futures
About that
only sith deal in absolutes
Feminem drew a line and said those words too
now hes a fucking laughing stock
I've had ENUFF of these kids with their vlogs and their anne frank tattoo's and the hippin and the hoppin and their stupid african hedgehogs
>perfect learning opportunity to help kids understand that the shooter could have been stopped if the teachers had guns
I'm sad to see that America's declining intellectualism is not merely a product of a shitty education system.
wew lad
If Harold lived in Nazi Germany, we’d never hear the end of ‘muh seven gorillion’.
How are they begging for their lives, they survived they're not getting shot again the kid is apprehended at this point they're kind of gloating that they made it. I hate young people it's like they've never heard of a school shooting before.
It really sucks that this statist, myopic shill will probably never get his ass riddled with bullets by a nigger with an illegally obtained gun but it'll happen to many unarmed white Americans who are undeserving of such a fate. That very thought pisses me off like you wouldn't believe.
This fucking writing will never fail to piss me off. In 50 fucking years if someone says this I will be fucking hot at the godamn obvious flaw in this writing. Holy shit this mother fucking that wrote this have a place in my heart with his name carved out in it.
Mass Gassing* It's more effective this way.
No, the solution is to make all schools gun free zones. Everyone knows criminals can't attack gun free zones.
He has to be one of (((them)))
He looks like Jazz
>be the most hated generation not named the baby boomers
>you're either with us or against us
Easy decision.
>Be from Mexico
>Unironically calling any other country a shithole
literally every single time
always a jew
>bright futures
slingshots can actually be pretty lethal