What is this face trying to convey

What is this face trying to convey

She loves that seal dick.

We cut right to a still shot of his dick biceps.
What do you think?
It makes her vagina bones tingle.

I don't want to believe this with every fiber of my being, but seen her creaming all over the place for that dude leads me to think otherwise.



Mang, I thought those were her actual ears, what a boomer.

What she says: "I think buff guys are gross!"
What she means: "If you so much as touch me softly I will be your eternal cocksleeve."

Really confused why they gave Froppy a whole
filler episode for no real reason. I'm not upset about it, just don't know why.

>"super hearing" are just a funny looking earpieces

Her real quirk is the physical endurance necessary to take a whole boatload of seamen

Take them where?


Froppy's important enough to be on the mission of Fate and Destiny. Hope she doesn't die.

go away

"Stop making me pollute our beloved ocean with my unclean thoughts!"

This is more accurate than I like to admit.

Did it die afterwards?

What the hell?

this episode seemed kinda...boring. but innsmouth was cool.

Extreme lust for the seal dick. This girl made the ocean two feet taller every time the captain looked at her.

Did I just find the purest user in this god forsaken site?

Froppy is a popular character that doesn't get as much screentime after USJ

To the Young Men's Cum Association. It's fun to stay at the Young Men's Cum Association.