Is Aho Girl THE most trashy anime of all time?
Is Aho Girl THE most trashy anime of all time?
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mfw mangaka for Aho Girl made those hilarious Fate Stay Night doujins
Yes, but once Boku no Kanojo ga Majime Sugiru Shojo Bitch na Ken starts airing in October it'll lose the title.
No that's Netsuzou Trap
He also made this masterpiece
Which is also great. But nothing for me will top "put your pOnOs in my vagOOO a d J-j-jam it in"
Nigga, it is quite possibly AOTS.
Honestly TM would do wonders to let Hiroyuki write a Fate gag anime for them so they can get easy monies. Either him or simply just a Koha Ace anime with references to the Gudako comics.
No, but she's one of the dumbest.
Can't wait.
main girl>imouto>lesbian>childhood friend
Literally ever character in that series is abominable, and I can't believe that there are actually people who enjoy it. It's one of the worst written things I've ever seen.
I think the only manga I've read that's worse is Kanojo wa Sore wo Gaman Dekinai.
Aho Mom best
Aho is maybe a 7/10 on the trashiness scale, at highest. Definite youngfag.
Not even the trashiest of this season. Hajimete no Gal trounces it.
He did more than that
What other ones did he make besides the NEET saber one?
user pls
Ok, besides the PONOS VAGOO, NEET saber, and this one, which others did he create?
Asking for research purposes
Doujin Work, Mangaka-san to Assintant-san, touhou doujin, etc. Hiroyuki is a god
You happen to have more from that artist?
>Doujin Work
Different user here, I was having a hard time remembering the name. I just remembered the tall dude pulling the one girl's pants down while she was waking up.
A-kun is Squidward
it's kinda trying too hard to be trashy, it's not even funny to watch
Hey that anime is pretty good so far, its reflects on what girls really are! I can relate to this
Here's a sequel. Did Akkun make the right decision?
no it isn't
No but it's the best anime of all time
Akkun is only gay for his studies.
>hey look imma girl
Love can turn anyone stupid
That's lust.
It is classic anime comedy?
I thought that was supposed to be Eromanga sensei...
Aho-girl is the best anime in the last decade. Here's my wish. Please make Aho-Girl spin off where her and Akkun form a real romance ala Toradora! Just a shot-for-shot remake of Toradora! where Akkun is Tigaaaaa-chan and Akkun is the MC but Akkun is still the well-put together responsible one, except he's a tsundere.
Thanks for this
I'm going to level with you. I've never loved a character more than I love Aho-Girl. Now you might sit there, reading this post, and in hasty judgment just say, well you haven't watched enough anime if you think that. But listen. I have. I'm 30 years old. I've been watching anime since I was 11 years old. My first waifu was Misato. I drank my first beer with Misato. But, now, I know the truth. I've been waiting my whole life for Aho-Girl. Some might think, wow, that's pathetic, how can you love a retard? I have no answer for you. I just know I love her. And, I will stop at nothing to make her real. I'll always love Misato. I will, but I can't help these feelings.