Look Sup Forums what have you done

Now apologize

Other urls found in this thread:


you know he did it on em

I love how they deliberately chose an old-as-fuck Castro pic so their audience won't notice the similarities.


momma was pretty loose

haha what a bizarre rumor hahaha....


Even if you don't believe in conspiracy theories this one is so plausible that the connection can't be simply shrugged off.

Unless and until there is a DNA test, denials mean nothing.

we all know its true
he acknowledging it just confirmd its our suspicions

Normie Canadians need to see this.

I'm fucking dying. why does Sup Forums have so much influence? why do people take it seriously?? is it because modern journalism is such a joke people accept anything as news?

What a slut. Why don't we make more fun of Trudeau's mum being a whore and his dad a cuck?

>why does Sup Forums have so much influence?
Because (((they))) hate free speech
>why do people take it seriously??
Go back.

fuck off leaf


I feel sleepy...

Could it be a clone? Some sorta commie plot?

pic related without the bullshit 1976 pics. They were actually down in the Caribbean when Justin was likely conceived. No articles mention this. File is kind o big, might not be readable with pol upload, but here is a link too. bayimg.com/df9e36987a07ce35dffced7f9b9b345de62f2792.jpg



I am so tired too. It's a good idea to get a full eight hours of sleep. Let's all get some rest.

Just so we are clear that's trudeau photoshoped into Castro head right?

Asking for a friend.

Looks like the fire rises.

This shit again.... look up when Justin was born, and when his parents first met Castro.
Even his younger brother was already born then, and is in that picture retards on Sup Forums pretend is Justin.



Some new info after combing through massive amounts of old newspapers. They went on a second honeymoon April 9th to 19th all over the Caribbean. They took chartered private flights to various islands. Trudeau had motive to go see Castro as he had just helped Trudeau greatly by getting FLQ terrorists to exile.

Justin looks way more like Pierre.

I don't even need to see a DNA test he's castros son 100% if you have any facial recognition ability you can see they are basically twins

oh no

Justin birth date: December 25, 1971
His parent marriage date: March 4, 1971

So she got pregnant either just before, or just after, the wedding.
And their honeymoon was at Whistlers, as per tabloids of the day (with pictures) -> "Whistler is a town north of Vancouver, British Columbia, that's home to Whistler Blackcomb, one of the largest ski resorts in North America." from Wiki. Its not where they'd meet Castro, at the height of the Cold War. I think young people underestimate how impossible it would be for them to meet Castro then, or to enter Cuba in secret, or for Castro to leave.


He looks identical to his father, idiot.
People get conceived before marriage all the time, especially in the West.

Look at the pic I posted. They were in the Caribbean April 9th to 19th on Barbados, Tobago, and other islands.

March 4th conception for Christmas birth is nearly impossible.

I don't see the resemblance

>you know youre over the target when your being attacked from all sides.

Then you're stupid.
Their face shapes are almost identical and their noses look identical. The lips are also extremely similar.

Why is some jihadi defending Tru--
oh. right.

Dispelling a retarded theory isn't defending him.


>I think young people underestimate how impossible it would be for them to meet Castro then, or to enter Cuba in secret, or for Castro to leave.

I am older than you. Also, Pierre courted the commies at the time. Went to Russia, China, and yes Cuba.

Trudeau's eyes are too light though.

Damn. He also does look like him in some photos. But the Castro theory is more fun. So I’ll stick with that one.

There is minimal resemblance,.

Hundred times more alike to Castro than to Trudeau senior.

Also, meme flag.

I'd love to be a leader of another country, I'd print that off and hand it to him

Why do you respond to me with multiple different posts, instead of one? You don't even attach images to all.

Regardless, "i am older than you" is a stupid non argument on an anonymous image board. Neither can you know that, nor can I argue against it. Note how I didn't say you are young, only mentioned the factual observation of young people's perception of free movement past the Cold War.

Additionally I noticed in your image macros you have pictures and citations for just about everything EXCEPT the part that matters - that there was a second honey moon, that they took an unauthorized plane, and that the plane went to Cuba.
This at a time when the USA was effectively sieging Cuba and not allowing traffic in or out without their permission, and at a time when Pierre was a 10/10 super hot tabloid superstar that everyone followed everywhere.
You are posting proof about things we already know, and smuggling in the controversy, as if when its in company of proof it gets proven itself.

Lol why would they feel the need to even write about it

Click bait

Front page of ottawa journal April 19th 1971

Holy fucking kek, we did it lads, WE DID IT!

We made the MSM meme it into the public consciousness.

>things we already know
You didn't know they were in the caribbean April 9th to 19th
You thought someone would get pregnant on March 4th and give birth on December 25th. Yeah, maybe less than 1% of the time.

>Why do you respond to me with multiple different posts, instead of one?
To piss you off.

>Pierre was a 10/10 super hot tabloid superstar that everyone followed everywhere
>rich people can't use money to do things in secret in the pre-internet era where all you had to do to dodge the media was just not be in the same room as them
sure thing faggot...they got fucking MARRIED in secret:

Dropping into Cuba and having drinks with Castro and some cuckold/swinger party shit going down with a chick who poses for photos with no panties on would be no problem. Trudeau is 100% Castro's son.

Especially somewhere out in the middle of the caribbean.

>You didn't know they were in the caribbean April 9th to 19th
And you didn't prove it. You claimed it. You proved other stuff that people already know and agree with, and in between proving known truths, you made a claim, sneaking it in, as if I won't notice.

He became a tabloid target AFTER he got married, specifically because of his marriage, chose of bride, secrecy, etc.
And saying that especially around Cuba he'd be left alone? During the fucking Cold War? I hope you two are pretending to be retarded.

here's the thing
trudeau looks exactly like castro
sons don't look exactly like their fathers
trudeau (justin) looks a lot like a son of pierre, which is to say, half the same, and half his mother
trudeau looks TOO much like castro, and just enough like pierre. either justin is pierre and margaret's biological son, or else an exact clone of castro

This isn't real. STOP.

pls don't cry

White genocide in South Africa isn't real either. Sup Forums needs to stop spreading rumours.

Not sure what day ottawa journal that is, doesn't look like the newspaper.

LOL he doesn't look like him at all
and he's so, so much taller
Someone post the genetics/parentage/height information LOL...it dooms the "Pierre WAS Justin's father" theory

travel was probably hard for normal people, like reporters wanting to follow them, but money has always talked. And the Swingin 60s was called that for a reason...60s & 70s were all about fucking around and Pierre looks like a perfect cuck who'd enjoy watching his wife get railed by a dictator.
Justin Trudeau was born December 25, 1971, so conceived around March 1971
Pierre & Margaret's wedding was March 4, 1971
He was still the fucking Prime Minister as of 1968...2 full years to schedule a trip to Cuba with his "carefree "flower child""
I don't know why I'm trying to have conversations about how rich people fucking at private get togethers works, with a Bulgarian virgin.

Ottawa Journal 4/13/71 Page 5

Love all the angry leaf shills in this thread

>He looks identical to his father


don't be so salty leaf....ps, your mom says it's bed time

He does look a lot like him.
I am scores taller than my father. Diet is related, genetics change from generation to generation as it takes two people to make one.

He looks enough like his father for there to be a clear genetic link there. Trudeau has quite unique features that are shared with his father.

There was a thread on here a few days back about Fidelito leaving behind a suicide note explaining why it was harder to be successful for him than his half-brother Justin. I thought it was a LARP, not so sure any more.

Anyway, why are we even discussing this, it's just SOOO obvious.

Justin Castreau

>Fidel Castro slept with 35,000 women and smoked his first cigar aged 14
>The dictator had a rapacious sexual appetite, according to a former Castro insider. The New York Post reported that Castro had sex with at least two women a day; at lunch, dinner and sometimes at breakfast. His guards would prowl the beaches of Havana to recruit women. A Vanity Fair reporter in 2008 revealed that he loved to flirt and littered his speech with crude sexual innuendos. When asked how many children he had, he said, laughing, "Well, I don't have a tribe. Not that much, fewer than a dozen."

Anyone who can't tell that Margaret is attracted to him in her pics with him has never had a woman want to fuck them before. It's so obvious.
Castro looks like Justin cosplaying as Castro.


Also forgetting that Margaret Trudeau was always hinted at having affairs with a number of people - isn't there a story that she spent her 6th wedding anniversary partying with the Rolling Stones?

plus, it would be the first time he saw one

She said in an interview with national post that Castro was the sexiest man she had ever met. And this from a woman that got around with many many famous men.

Also - Pierre Trudeau's state funeral. Skip to 1 minute, who do you see sat right behind the Trudeau family?


Ya she was a huge slut. Castro was a huge player. "Hey Castro, I'm the PM of Canada and I want to take my chick to a beach in Cuba before we get married" "No problem, I'm literally the dictator of this shit, I'll tell them to let you in and have anyone killed who leaks it to the press, come to my place and we'll have some wine and talk politics while I charm your wife and set you up with a handful of girls you can fuck while I fuck your fiance in this era where no one used condoms and the press can't even tell you've set up a SECRET FUCKING WEDDING"

care to list them??

............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................i feel sorry for canada wtf

Maybe one or two, but looks like about twenty unique features shared with fidel.

>why does Sup Forums have so much influence?
Sup Forums allows anonymous free speech
When people are free to speak anonymously, they speak the truth.

>why do people take it seriously??
Because it's true and they have to do damage control

Just look at how they fakenews it up with the most unconvincing comparison images possible, meanwhile here, where we can speak freely and anonymously, we get Anonymous shitposters on an american-japanese imageboard should not be more factual and accurate than mainstream media, but here we are.

Similar overall facial structure, similar hair, similar skin complexion, similar cheeks (prominent and puffy, kinda), similar mouths (their bottom lips are identical), very similar noses. They have the same alpha chin.

>tfw castro was a qt

Well April 7th is much closer to April 12th then March 28th is close to the beginning of March.

you just described similarities between castro and justin

he could have been a week or two early.

Top right looks like a mix of JT and that color blind kid from little miss sunshine and hes really stoned

That first pic of Castro looks just like Justin with a fake beard on.

Castro is definitely Justin's father.

You saying Justin nose looks more like pierre's than fidel's?
U wot?

Yes, but the difference is that Pierre is Justin's father.

"Fuck off, eh. It isn't true, just go back to your weed and syrup fellow Canucks!!

Yeah, I just posted that to show how out of range March 4th would be. There are many factors.

hahaha listen to you with your tone of certainty
you have no fucking idea, just like anyone else. Hell maybe even pierre ignore the signs and refused to think about it.

also drop the meme flag and show us all that leaf.

his mom was a whore so i belive it.

Its a meme you fucking t*rk rapebaby

Am I looking at a harry bagina or some risque underwear? I can't tell.

I think Michel Trudeau might have been sired by Fidel as well. They look more similar than the other kid.

Yep, that is a nice 70s muff.

ur mom gay lmao

>have baby
>don't tell anyone for a couple months
>use money and influence to fudge any records people would look into because you're the PM of an entire country
absolute state of Sup Forums

Would be kind of hard to fake being born on Christmas.

>ur mom gay lmao
found the nigger