I'm on episode 6 and why does this anime feel so shitty

I'm on episode 6 and why does this anime feel so shitty.

Because you're supposed to watch it for oniisama, not the story.

I'm trying but this show really makes it hard for me.

Don't fall for the shitty oniisama meme, user. Sup Forums tricked me into watching the whole thing and it's garbage all the way through.

Because you're not on episode 6 and this is bait.

It actually is kind of a bad series. There is no conflict or tension like with other shows since the main characters are so hilariously powerful. The show is quite enjoyable as schadenfreude. Think of Tatsuya as Superman going to a school that failed to measure his powerlevel despite being ridiculously strong and laugh as everyone underestimates him.

It's they typical fun MC IS BROKEN AS FUCK anime that's been popular since forever.

I kind of like it.

If you want development = learn a new technique after getting his shit slapped along with a ton of lgbtqa stuff and fanservice then it's not going to do it for you.

because it is

I dont mind the powerful main character. I dont even know whats really bad about it. Its just that when I watch it it feels boring and obnoxious most of the time.

The show is boring as sin. I couldn't even watch it ironically.

Here's the thing, the MC isn't just broken as fuck. Literally everyone who competes with him really doesn't stack up at all and the show doesn't even try to build up any of them except Suzaku.

It kind of abandons the whole concept of tension/action drama and kind of meanders like a slice of life series.

Because it is boring. It's only saving grace is Onii-sama.

I actually liked the setting, the whole magic as science thing has always fascinated me. I thought the side characters (Mikihiko in particular) did a lot to carry the show. It became kind of fashionable to hate on battle harems right around the time this show came out though, so you don't see much support for it.

I really only started watching it because I like the school uniforms.

Shitty SAO clone.

just drop it believe me it's not worth your time

>why does this anime feel so shitty.
>Because you're supposed to watch it for oniisama, not the story.
This user gets it. Onii-sama is all you have to care for.


Not even a good Character Design for the MC

>completely destroys the entire navy with a one shot no scope
>"yeah im considered a b-rate fighter since my cast time is like 0.21 nanoseconds too slow

I watched the whole series and it's pretty much garbage.
MC doesn't even really hook up with his sister either

Not enough imouto fanservice

This. The Miyuki is too sexy for this world.

As much shit as the series gets it does has one of the coolest forms of magic.

You watch for the best girl instead

Just accept Onii-sama as your lord and savior, OP.

If you didn't watch it with Sup Forums I don't think it's worth watching.

I find this shit entertaining. Also, Onii-sama

I mean I don't like it either, but now I start to respect Tatsuya a little. Only because he gets the feeling of disdain towards gays.

Drop it honestly NOW.
It doesn't get better and the show is trash at best.