We should not let 18 year olds get their first gun

We should not let 18 year olds get their first gun.

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My dad bought me an 870 when I was still in the womb.

I got a pellet gun when I was 8, a .22 semi auto rifle when I was 10, and a 20 gauge shotgun when I was 12.

I also played the shit out of violent video games like DOOM and Mortal Kombat during my formative years.

I have never killed anyone.

if they cant be trusted with a weapon why can they be trusted with a vote?

Was your name engraved into it?

We should bsn schools

Yes that was me in the last thread.
About the same here
Read the damn thread

Yeah, but do you feel completely disconnected to the point of bitterness toward mankind, your culture, and existence itself?

Yes, but I'm not on SSRIs so at least I have that going for me.

18 your considered an adult. With that there comes a lot of responsibility, a lot of it foreign to a noob. But in reality user... now that you're 18 and I need you to move out.

I got my first rifle a 30 aught 6 at age 16.
Good rifle. Still have it.
Never hurt a human soul with it and I don't intend to. It's for hunting and I don't hunt much anymore but I still like my old rifle.

around here most guys have their first at 14, when its legal to hunt.

I had 4 on my gun rack when I was 12. The pellet gun in the closet doesn't count. Got that when I was 6.

Hurr dee hurr

T. Nufag who doesn't know what IDs are

You don't think 18 year old's should serve in the military?

No you didn't. No one types 30 aught 6. GTFO LARPer.

>Americans get their first gun after getting circumcised

> We should not let 18 year olds get their first gun.
How are they supposed to fight in the military without guns? Gotcha bitch.
Fuck off. They should be able to drink and smoke if they want to as well. Old enough to die a warrior, old enough to do that other shit.

Want me to take a picture?


Oh look the nufags are outing themselves.

Always read the thread and check IDs

Sure. Make sure you get your face in it with a sign that reads fag.

Look at my posts nufuck, its a shill trap.
But, good for you for being pro second.

My dad got me my great uncles like-new 1954 Winchester model 70 .270 when I was about 12, had access to the gun safe all those years and never even thought about killing anyone with it.

yes we shpuld faggpt

Nufag IDs please lurk

IDs nufag

I own 3 guns and I’m not dangerous. Why you want to take away from me ? Guns are not the problem.

Got ya newfag toothpaste

I want an m1 garand or an older m14 that is a good round.

got my first .22 for my 8th birthday
gave my daughter her first .22 for her 8th birthday last spring
have one stashed away in my workshop to give my son on his 8th birthday next year

gun grabbers can get bent.

Feeling stupid yet little dick sucking bitchlet?

I had an 80cc Honda dirt dike and a 22 when I was 8, good times. My oldest son is 8 now he just shot his first AR the other day.

Do you guys want to see a really cool gun???

Pics to continue.

Best gun I have.

I mean have you ever been to the point that you couldn't get out of bed, even with the threat of your life collapsing because you were so fucked? I have been really, really depressed user. I've laid in bed not eating anything for a week because it was literally painful to leave. I'd get up and eat something only when the hunger induced head and stomach ache got more unbearable than being awake. Not trying to be super edgy or anything, but honestly without anti-depressants to pull me out of that cycle, I'd probably have killed myself. They aren't for everyone though, and they are very much over-prescribed. They should only really only be used if a person is crippled and cannot deal with their issues otherwise. Too many people ask for them just because they think they feel bad. Some people have underlying issues that are incompatible with anti-depressants. If care isn't taken when evaluating these people, they run the risk of going awol. But SSRI's have their place, and they can be useful tools.

what kind of potato did you use to take that pic?
asking for a friend.

It's a damn nice camera actually but I never used it until tonight. Not sure. Probably should have used the flash or something.

>It's a damn nice camera actually
then who was potato?

This is a Japanese 6.5 Arisaka cardine that my grandfather captured on Saipan. It still has the crisanthamum on the receiver.
I am the op but I switched to my phone to take the pic, toes included.

your weirdly effeminate pose grabs all the attention


Thank you leaf.

This is a Japanese 7.7mm Type 99 Arisaka Rifle my great great uncle captured in the Philippines, along with a souvenir knife and bayonet. Just inherited it from my granfather who took off the upper handguard and middle band but its perfect otherwise, even has the armorers marking still.

It too has the mum


Nice, does it still have the chrysanthemum, and do you know what that means?

Fucking sweet!!!

Post more sexy toenails !

Havent tried looking it up yet, damn japanese and their chopstick symbols.

Also inherited a bunch of old USMC unpublished photos from Saipan, Okinawa and stuff.

I'm glad to see another guy who takes pride in this stuff, barely anyone credits the pacific theater despite being the most gruesome and meaningful.

Is the scabbard metal?
6 or 5 digits in sn?
Also if it came from the Tokyo arms factory it will have a three circle stamp on it.

That's cool shit you got there user. I didn't get any pics, but my granddad did keep a journal which I have and his kbar.

Fuck you, little bitch. I got my first gun at 8 years old. I never even considered shooting anyone at school. Why don't you figure out what the mental malfunction is of those who do? Instead of trying to punish law abiding citizens.

You are a dumb nufag who doesn’t understand how this board works...hint IDs.

This is what a Tokyo arms looks like.

5 digit sn, I should mention I got it from a neighbor. She gave me some other cool stuff too for free. Yeah 3 circles and an M with an arrow through it.

op is a paid liberal shill

Heres the gun though

not Tokyo but still early fucking awesome what about the scabbard material?

No your just a dumb ass nufag who doesn't know what IDs are.

Yeah its metal, number is 35147. You ever thought of getting ammo and shooting it? 7.7 is like almost 2 bucks a round so idk, might have to run it by a gunsmith to make sure it can shoot too.

Yeah, they dont have to wait so long. You can walk - you can have a gun.

nope, and get this shit off the front page.

no you for you

$0.02 shekels denied.

Nope should be allowed to have one soon as they enroll in school

I've never shot it, 6.5 is a fucking weird ass round. But being a bolt action you would probably be fine. It could damage the gun.

Still having the chrysanthemum on the receiver is the most important part, it means it was captured and not surrendered. Metal scabbard means it was produced early. But, bamboo scabbards are worth more because most haven't survived.

That's too late nufag, your dad should have gotten you one way sooner.

Hurr durr nufag IDs this is a shill trap, are you a shill?

Anti 2A thread#74

Look at the IDs and read the thread newfag.

Whats your point faggot? What about my ID? I've been here longer than you think.

Wow dumb ass look at my I'd and the op I'd and the first post you are new or fucking retarded.

>not clicking the op I'd
Fuck you

Damn that's cool.

OK since this is now a newfag trap thread I'm going to give you guys some knowledge. The first thing you do when you open a thread is click on OPs ID. Read that and then reply, pro tip if only one post you should sage.

OK newfags good job on promoting the second amendment, but when you open a thread the first thing you should do is click the OPs ID and see how many responses he has and what they are. If there has been more than 5 replies and OP hasn't answered back it is a shill thread, and you should sage if you feel the need to respond. This is simple old school Sup Forums etiquette.

Thanks for being pro 2A OP. For future reference you should copy pasta (did I get that right?) all that sage stuff in your threads.

Nah, you should make a shill nufag trap thread too when you can...I have nothing against the based nufags we need them to fight the shills, but oldfags need to help them know how to fight the shills.

I hope you have a good day today user. Keep up the fight...and check IDs, shills don't understand that part of Sup Forums.

Keep talking about banning so I can turn $1300 into $5200 just like during Sandy Hook.


No need to be jealous, Dog-dick.

"Nah, you should make a shill nufag trap thread too when you can"

Isnt that just a waste of time ultimately?

Nufag detected.

Pro tip.
>open thread
>click OP ID
Go from there. Learn young nufag, but thanks for the bump and thanks for supporting the S2.

Today will be a good day, president day, I can feel it. Do something fun nufag anons. I'm going to take my three blue eyed sons to the beach.

Wheres your face and the sign that reads "fag"

No!!!! We are being shilled hard, help user!!! Make pro S2 threads all day, and defend them as best you can.


I got a Berreta transferred to me at 18 at graduation, I couldnt buy one until I was 21 but I had one in my name at 18

How many? ALL OF THEM

My hand masturbates to the memory of etc.


affirmative action should be repealed, that will fix the problem.

>oy vey how could making changes to a social program affect the social problems we have?

Hello newfag, click the OP ID and read. You are welcome. Thanks for being pro S2.

Cool. Just make sure to give me a 15 min heads up before you get home. Don't want the kids to see "uncle user" banging your wife. Leads to so many questions.

Don't do fagtube, read the thread, check IDs, form your own opinion. You are outing yourself as a nufag.

And a dick? People get raped by dicks

And kys

No, you don't understand. I'm going for the mate. Specifically your wife.


Fuck you

When they try to take the guns in the shithole state I live in I'm gonna make Waco look like a fucking picnic.

If I die IDGAF, if I live they wont know about what I stashed for when I get out of prison.

Pro tip
Open thread
Click OP ID
Then co comment

But thank for bump, and good for you being pro S2. Read the thread, if you don't you look dumb....IDs user shills don't get them...are you a shill.

Nufags lurk more, IDs are the best weapon you have against shills.

Ar we just going to keep pretending people are children until they're in their mid 20's? Is that the meme now?

Fuck, a normal, functioning 18 year old knows right from wrong. They are not disabled. Naive about many other aspects about life, but not something as cut and dry as something like, "if you pull the trigger while pointing this at someone they'll die."

Lurk, IDs, read, please user, good job on pro S2. You owe me an apology.

Anything else? Remember I need a 15 min heads up.

If you are over 18 and can't read IDs then yes you are retarded. Leaf pic related.

No, I have no info on the future, but I'm good at trolling nufags, and I have a good grip on history.

I dont get it, OP says we shouldn't let 18 yo get their first gun, this means OP is a faggot.18 and 21 make no difference really because most teens have violated any law involving limitations on what the can do before 18.Instead of restricting our access to firearms it should be increased because it wont make a difference.

Guns arent the issue, mental health is. Stop for one second and consider the twister cop in Arizona, we treat that as an example of bad policing in America, which it is but think about in terms of a mentally ill manlet who shouldn't own a gun. The man is clearly unstable to treat another human being that way and he is in possesion of an "immensly powerful rifle only meant for use in combat zones" (I know this is bullshit but it is a good stroke point for grabber faggots). How about instead of banning guns we quit hopping up alienated males on ritalin and ssris. It is that fucking simple but if we did that I guess it would be bad because we wouldnt be culling the male population. We gotta protect the roastie princesses after all.

Your post means you are a nufag who doesn't understand Sup Forums

>open post
>click OP ID
>then post

Or lurk more, but thanks for bump and being pro S2.



>doesn't know what user IDs are
Nufag click OP ID read then reply
Good for you being pro S2
Lurk more

You owe me an apology.