Is she trying to gain acceptance by doing lewd things?
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I love them both.
What is best girl planning?
>All Rui wanted was little girls inside his robot cockpit for lewds
>Selesia got one before him without even trying
Life is unfair.
Hungry hungry shark
>The reason that Altair seems like she picks on Selesia more than the other creations is because she's secretly dere for her onee-chan
I want to have sexy time with them while Charon watches.
BTFO'ing Meteora.
I like this version better
To turn her shonen army on Altair
Me on the right
I hope he has a good ending but I think he's doomed to deathflag.
fugly old hag generic lnshit boobs
Is this secretly what Meteora wanted?
>a single armored knight on horseback versus a giant robot
now this is jousting!
The weak should fear the chuuni
Mfw this is the endgame
Anyone have a webm of Gigas Jobber getting pushed back? Everyone was hyping it up so much, yet now it's getting memed on by Alice like everyone else.
Damn, I didn't even catch that. Good one.
Is the seat inserted in her ass?
Reminds of the IT from South Park
It's a motorized horse.
that looks like a very uncomfortable seating position.
Kishi onee-chan is so cool
Better than ending up with Souta.
How old is Altair again? Kinda hot for the younger one to be the 'seme' instead of 'uke'
She doesn't have an official age but she's probably like 15.
Altair is probably 14-16, her design makes her look older but she is very small and everyone calls her kid, brat or little girl.
She's almost a year old
What is this expression trying to convey?
Who will trigger Altair by making fun of Setsuna?
I don't really see it. We're in fora massive twist with him.
it's an expression that shows you can trust that person.
It must be someone who can (and will) be quickly disposed without anyone caring, so probably Magane.
How could the fact that Alice and Blitz are switching sides gain public acceptance? They'll need to explain their motives to the audience for that since the audience supposedly doesn't know about Mamika's death and Blitz's daughter being alive
They're also joining the bad guys.
To be fair, whoever their waifu is fighting against at any given time are the bad guys.
alicetaria is the worst character in this show, honestly i have zero fucking clue what they're attempting to do with her
why is she on altair's side? why is she so stupid?
>Hikayu still has to do her part
>Charon still has to appear
>Alice's plan
>Shark being a wild card
>Sota's donut steel
So many incoming twists.
I just can't see where the fuck this could go, which is good.
>feel legit giddy whenever best girl reappears in the plot
WHEN WILL SHE GET TO DO SOMETHING? they refuse to focus on her at ALL
Try watching the show, it might give you some insight.
>why is she on altair's side?
She's not you dumb fuck.
>why is she on altair's side?
>why is she on altair's side? why is she so stupid?
you're pretty stupid
This show is so fucking bad what the hell.
Where did things go wrong?
Fuck you, this episode was actually good. Let us enjoy it for a few days at least.
I can't wait for when they meet up. Both alive and well.
I think it's that they had content for one cour, but decided to stretch it over two. Some episodes are good but there are long periods of shit in between them.
It was a really good animu episode all things considered, especially the ending.
I just watched episode 13, is there more Meteora banter in the next episodes?
How many animators died for this episode?
Nope, she goes back to being the same monotone, lifeless piece of shit character she always was.
>Better than ending up with Souta.
Its not Altair's fault that she has a thing for her father, she inherited it from her mother.
>tfw Loliachannel is making Re:Creator porn
>tfw Souta doujin is actually being made.
not that many since Altair was mostly static
It was just lots of beamspam, swordspam and flashy lights
She was born in the wrong anime. She deserves better
What's the point then? I'd rather watch brown Meteora slutying around in her game world than these past 12 episodes.
then drop it, faggot
Does Yuya have impenetrable skin? Bayard nailed him a few times and didn't draw any blood.
How the fuck does the anime filter work? Even if they can somehow make live video look like anime it would appear rotoscoped and would suck.
his skin clothes got buffed
I wouldn't put it past Urobuchi do this
Only Yuya's stick was buffed. If Yuya suddenly became invulnerable to Bayard then Syo would have commented on it like he did for the stick.
I'm pretty sure that Blitz will inevitably try to help Altair at the end.
>Selesia is not weak. Really.
>Begs Matsubara for help on a live broadcast thereby breaking the fourth wall which is a big nono.
Altair broke it harder
>why is she so stupid?
why are you so stupid?
What anime is that pink hair girl from?
Leave Shark to Souta.
Is that Altair on the elimination chamber poster?
for what purpose? his whole schtick is that he hates hoe cruel the gods are for killing his daughter, and is willing to be manipulated as long as he gets revenge. is he suddenly going to keep an alliance to fight against his daughter for no reason?
oh shit, it is and I can also see Meteora and Selesia
He will help Altair if her control reaches the creators outside the cage. But by then it won't matter much.
Selesia broke the fourth wall first. Also, Selesia called out to her creator by name which is a much worse offense than merely referring to the audience in general as Altair did. No wonder Matsubara had a horrified look on his face.
Suruga literally proved Altair right with that stunt.
God if team gov't doesn't have any counter measures planned for shark, then I they lose to Altair.
>is willing to be manipulated as long as he gets revenge
It's also because he feels bad for Altair
what is she doing right now?
I wonder why her callsign is "The Empress".
I bet she's a shapeshifter, and that she's currently in the form of that little blonde girl.
pleasuring old men
getting fucked by her creator.
Nah. Altair said "the creators and everyone who enjoyed watching us" before the battle started.
Wasn't she supposed to be an anti-Shark girl?
do you think he'd kill his daughter to support altair?
right about what? that they can give him what he wants?
Yes. His god is toying with his life just like Altair said.
After her bow, Altair referred to the gods who created them and to the viewers in general which is not out of line with what actors sometimes do before a play begins. Selesia by contrast actually called out her creator by name in a pitiful manner while losing badly during the battle. That would be like Madoka or Homura calling out to their writer during one of their horrible witch battles. It's completely unimaginable in any serious anime.
About the gods are controlling their lives and screwing with them just because it's fun and interesting.
The good guys have to lose this fight, though. There's still six episodes left. I can't help but think that the Syo / Yuuya fight is probably the best one I've seen so far. It has a pretty creative use of powers and so on. (Interestingly enough, Yuuya seems to have two abilities - He has his wind-attack thing AND his Stand, while Syo only has a Stand.)