Why is he such a shit character?

Why is he such a shit character?

time skip sasuke is shit
pre time skip sasuke was fine

Because after the time skip this fucker had little to nothing of character development.

shit it's what you find if you look in a sewer series

he's big bro messed him up

Shadow the hedgehog

>1 million Naruto threads per day
Neo-Sup Forums is the worst timeline. Kill yourselves.

>Parents killed infront of you
>Dad would always say "Now thats my son" to your brother but rarely to you because you lacked the skill she showed at your age.
>Everyone you know killed by your brother
>Brother pulls some evil eye magic on you and tells you to face him when you're older
>go to school get paired up with some loser no clan fags that aren't serious and have no realistic goals as ninja
>Time skip to Gay ass ninja tranny wanting your body and says he can make you stronger so you can get revenge
>get analed by tranny end up killing him too
>end up killing your brother
>he tells you he was forced to do it for the sake of his village
>get pissed because your brother actually loved you so much and failed as a ninja because he spared your life

rest is pretty gay

>one million threads
Literally (LITERALLY) not physically possible.

He said sorry though.