Monday Night QandA Livewatch

Get in here, Ausfags! It's time for bingooo!

Watch with us:
>also on FB @ABCQandA for the desperate

Tonight's panel:
>Josh Frydenberg, Minister for the Environment and Energy
>Chris Bowen, Shadow Treasurer
>Louise Adler, CEO of Melbourne University Publishing
>Simon Breheny, Director of Policy, IPA
>Shareena Clanton, Actress

Don't forget you can tweet along using #qanda for your chance to get on the small screen. You can also add #factcheck for any suss stuff.

How's everyone? Hope you had a good weekend.

Other urls found in this thread:

Do You feel lucky, Greenie Punks ?

Thanks for baking, m8

stream here:

It's in the OP too.

Where is everyone?
QandA threads are dead.

>Simon Breheny

attacked last month

I love media watch.
It's gotten bad.

Too busy watching Media Watch

It's a dull panel but I'm drinking goon and hoping for a carpet snake

the whole 4 litres?

The aboriginal actress should give a few cringes/laughs


Ready for my Rage!!
and... Ready to Enjoy it.
Let's go mates.

what the fuck is this

>the whole 4 litres?
Mate, 4 litres are poofter tier.
Gotta go for the 5L fruity lexia.

>IPA cryptofag and actor/activist

Isn't her shtick that she bought tickets for the young aspiring rappers to see black panther

Booked a sickie with the boss to take care of car shit tomorrow so who knows.

Someone show him with JUST hair.

>actually drinking goon

straight vodka and straight scotch/whiskey is the only way to cope.

I told the people on the YouTube comment section to come here.

already done

He's already got it m8


wait it looks better now fuck




I hadn't heard about that. Holy shit, this could be the best episode since the mushroom farmer.

>rules 1 and 2 have degraded to the point that people are actively inviting people to visit Sup Forums in youtube comments


Why not? The people there are based.
14/88 indeed!

That is not the true

no bonking pls


lol what is she on about wtf

>11:44 pm
>course tomorrow
>im watching some obscure australian political show livestreamed on youtube

what the fuck is going on in my life

36 years old and I find De Bortoli Cab Merlot does the job. I go dry Tuesday to Thursday and drink decent shit on the weekends.

what course?

I'm driving heavy machinery at 6 tomorrow, so I take it easy.

>Trump 2020
Pick one.

F*ck Clinton by all means...
you might be right about the rest...

bachelors of IT

my life is a meme

He'd love that.

and Q&A is deadpan as fuck lately

Barnaby had sex with a woman, you should be ashamed Malcolm Turnbull.

She's been put on the spot about something she clearly doesn't know anything about and is trying her hardest (and failing) to not look stupid compared to whitey

fair enough.
Starting Law at ACU later this week...
ought to be 'fun' but drinks'll help.
First in the family to go to Uni.
What am I in for?

no, what course user, not degree.
I have cosmological philosophy (likely meme course with dense cunts) and international security. More of a meme than you.

I agree, I'm not a fan of Trump on all issues.
Putin is the true God-Emperor

The abbo woman is airing free screenings of Black Panther for abbo youths.....



>cosmological philosophy and international security
there's no way those are real

dont really eel comfortable self doxxing myself m8

im sure you're a good lad but NZ is a small as fuck country and if I reveal my course as well it will be extremely easily to find me among a group of only 70 other people

its in the south though

i reworded them cunts

As much as it pains me to spread from /sg/ but
God Syria Bashar but more importantly...
Rule Britannia Rule the Waves Britons Will Never be Slaves.

It's basically like school but with more freedom and you're (hopefully) only studying things you're interested in. Most unis try pretty hard to ease you into it too.

Make sure to make friends with people in your course early because you'll be stuck with them for the next few years.

muh woman lgbt strawman


'if this man was LBGQT'
a fag as the leader of the Nationals?
come off it.

What the fuck was that woman on about?

but i didnt bully you though

>if he was a woman or queer he would have been fired

Uhhh..... more like it wouldn't have been an issue in the first place

do aus/pol/ tier conservatives exist on Unis let alone Catholic Unis?

But more importantly, even than that:
Cos we're Boer Rhodesians and we'll fight through thick and thin.

nah mate, I was saying that the actual subject/module names are not that retarded.

That black woman's manic laugh is scaring the piss out of me

woman of color is slurring speech

been on some of that grog

That "if it were a woman, she'd be out of office" point was a crock of shit. It's hilarious to me trying to imagine a government having to make a public apology and banishing a woman from office for having a relationship with a staffer.

The only extra thing left out was "of colour"

This panelist has gotten herself far too deep into women's studies.

I missed/refused to watch the #metoo episode.

What did I miss?

Boys, the other day some ~20yo guy told me and a few friends that he drinks vodka with water so he cant taste the vodka, but get plastered before going out. wtf is wrong with people.

'Clinton was impeached for less'
Fuck these people are delusional.
Comey stated there was grounds for persecution but didn't persecute.
feels bad man.
THIS!! 'woman'

You know they are talking about Bill Clinton right?

a lot of REEEEEEEEing and DAS SEXIST and purple hair and stop mansplainging tony! and CLAP CLAP CLAP and MUH WAGEGAP etc.

At most unis they tend to hide their powerlevel but they definitely exist. I can't speak for ACU in particular though.

they pre-empted the episode by appealing to emotion and having 90% of the audience raising their hands to pretending to be sexual assault victims at the work place. Then it was a 5 way circlefinger between the ladies, host was a panelist episode.

Only thing of any worth was that pic related had no idea why she had never been sexually assaulted.

Dude with glasses has a really soothing voice. no homo.

Christian-lites attend that Uni. But it’s really non-denominational.

>Drinking at the Uni bar a few years back
>My turn to shout the group drinks
>Guy I sort of know is working the bar
>'Hey mate can I get 6 vodka basics'
>'Hey man, what mixer do you want?'
>'Anything I don't care'
>He gave me 6 vodka waters
>Brought them back to the group
>I thought it was the funniest thing ever. Not even mad

Tony is wearing glasses

how piss weak is his Vodka so that it can be watered down.
Only the finest homebrew for me. 80%+ Vodka. helps me get through everything.
Same Difference. Same Bullshit.
Ok Good to know. Cheers.
hahahaha wtf? how?

There's a lot of people who spam the twitter, and the youtube chat is all our guys. I barely look at the threads anymore, sorry kings.

They definitely exist on my Uni shitposting page, and probably in the libertarian club (maybe Young Libs as well?) if you have one.
You are however, much more likely to run into SAlt faggots (Socialist Alt.) out and about, and uni media/stupol/src is populated by women, POC, and the rare gay white man.
Is it actually a fucking thing, fuck.
ALDI most likely, I'm always surprised how people are so opposed to drinking straight liquor.

>Went to film school
>Met guys that were normal and worked hard
>We were friends with the lefties but fought them creatively
>Film school just made us more redpilled
>Me and the guys are all working in the industry
>Lefties these days mostly aimlessly trying to get internships

Neo-Darwinism works

that sounds like a good time m8, I'd go for it

Fucked if I know, I sweat for a living at the family business.

Fuck all.

Glad I missed it then

>actual pic of me watching this episode.

>No Chads, all cucks

>ALDI vodka
As someone who has sampled ALDI's finest, That shit needs to be watered down a hell of a lot to be palatable. The problem is not the strength but the horrific chemical aftertaste which will not go away.

Has it actually got that bad, or have we collectively grown out of it?
Literally so easy to stump up slightly more for quality Latvian Stolichnaya. Stay away from the Smirnoff

Day light saving fucks it up for me. Queenslander here, so when it starts on tv here in another 20 min it's finishing everywhere else.

>Pick one

I'm sure there's a Free Speech rally in Melbourne on the 25th or something. how ruined is it going to be?

yeah I was expecting that. that's why I made the query. always prepping for the worst.
I grew up on straight whiskey. bad start but its all in the past now.
The Dream and The Nightmare.
I've had to hard labour in the father's picture-framing business for your. hard work and times are tough but so far it has paid off and is still struggling on.
When has Q&A always been this physically painful.

it's bottled there, distilled in Pyccиa i think

Everyone, including the 71 year old owner does blue collar work that'd scare the fuck out of the standard millennial. Can you say that about your mum's basement?

>Aboriginal woman attentive externally, sleeping internally