Fairy Tail

>Fairy Tail
>Granblue Fantasy
>Fate Apocrypha
Why A-1 is so unstoppable?

They are one of the largest anime related companies.

They still haven't topped Sora no Woto

>low effort, guaranteed money making safe bets
Gee I wonder

Uchuu Kyoudai is the only good thing they've ever created. The rest are either wasted potential (Sora no, Shinsekai) or just complete dogshit (everything else).

Sony always wins


How many studios does Sony own now?


Because they're the best at what they do

>Birdy Decode
>Silver Spoon
>complete dogshit
Neck yourself, fucking waste of oxygen.

They don't make safe bets, they just make 20 shows per season

At that point it becomes a safe bet.
When somebody with limited funds wagers it all on one gambit, that's not safe.
But when somebody with enormous funds makes lots of relatively small bets, each one with an expected value above the invested cost, then the sum of those bets is safe. It's incredibly unlikely that they lose more overall, and even if they do, they can just repeat the game and make up for the losses next time.

they know how to make money

They're the McDonalds of anime.

This. They would need a very long streak of exceptional unluckiness to go into the red.

But they did in 2012.

I don't know why people bash A-1, sure they made tons of shit shows, but they also made very good ones. Literally every anime studio made tons of shit shows, including Gainax, Madhouse, Kyoani, Shaft and all other meme studios.

And yet you failed to mention the most influential show they ever made

They make a lot of shows
Like, they make as many anime as 4 studios combined

>4 studios combined
Well, all those 4 studios are not Kyoani, Production IG, Bones, & Madhouse for sure.

It's easy and inexpensive to make shit


Fate Zero: Black Lagoon Edition

Fate Zero: Looney Tunes Edition narrated by Inori Minase

They have a show that's better than anything any of those studios ever made though

0/1000 bait & It's not even funny, user.

It's actually true though, and this is coming from someone who thinks that Madhouse has the best collection of anime.

What show is that?

Mainstream studio.

All dogshit

You should know already user.

You forgot to put
>Qualidea Code
This top tier anime which has the best quality not even a high budget anime movies can compete


A-1's only good anime are Sora no Woto and Demi-chan.

Way too show to everyone how much of a pleb you are. Sora No Woto is good, but not even close to SSY's level.

SSY is one of my all time favorite anime too, but no way in hell it can tops SAC & Kon's movies.

I think that Kon movies are overrated to be honest. I mean, they are good, great in fact, but I don't see the level of greatness in them that some people seem to.

Some youtubers hate them for some reason and now their followers do the same

A1 has the most bestsellers, and has better shows than Sup Forumss favorite studios like Kyoani and Trigger

Paprika is the only overrated one in my opinion. It's not that good but a lot of people praised it.
The best one obviously Millennium Actress with its unique story telling & direction.

How can people like this garbage. They never, I repeat, NEVER made a good show. Everything they make ranges from mediocre to shit.
Old Gainax puts anything Trigger made to fucking shame.

Millennium Actress, Perfect Blue and Tokyo Godfathers are even to me. I always change my favorite depending on the mood and time

Redditors and normalfags love that stuff though.

>I don't know why people bash A-1
The faggots who bash A-1 hardest are the same faggots who made KyoAni vs. SHAFT shitstorms into a meme – they are Sup Forumsermin trying to stir up studio wars.

Kill la Kill was a "good" show in that it was entertaining and had most of its viewers (Sup Forums included) by the balls while it was airing. That's a success by any measure.