>tfw telling people basic shit classifies u as a brilliant philosopher

Here is a tip wipe your ass after shitting.

>That one was free from me if you want to learn more about basic shit buy my book

I see you have not rescued your father from the belly of the whale, yet.

>I see you have not rescued your father from the belly of the whale, yet.

t. cult status meme

Same as varg. I don't know why he's on pol all the time. I tried out his videos and didn't feel particularly enlightened

Wow you changed my life. Here's some money

>Wow you changed my life. Here's some money

Thanks, now subscribe to by shit post.

whoa u sound like a cryptojew working for big tp

I will. Looking forward for more amazing tips. You see I'm a bit on the stupid side and don't know how to live my life on my own.

where can I donate to your patreon ?

heres why