>Deen always does bad animat-
Deen always does bad animat-
Overall this show was pretty badly animated to the point that it was actually comical.
>Greentext OP cut off with a hyph-
Fuck off.
>pretty badly animated
It was animated exactly right.
That's not how boobs work
>sentence with words cutting of-
Other than distance this was decent.
Candlejack has been fre-
Quite the opposite
>not posting god blow
Who the fuck i
Only Fatefags say that anymore.
Deen can do it when they try
As a man with huge disgusting tits, it is actually.
>That's actually quite dece-
Considering you're trapped on that village's loop I would also snap like that.
That looks like shit.
Different, lardass.
*when they cry
DEEN isn't an animator, DEEN is a studio that hires people to animate. Just because they hired Shinya Takahashi for a couple of cuts doesn't change the fact the studio has a record of cutting corners and hiring some corean that just learned how use flash whenever possible.
>user isn't a fagg-
for the budget that's pretty damn nice
inb4 someone posts a scene that costed twenty times as much
What makes this good animation?
You mean like the final showdown in twintails?
whats with DEEN and their saggy tits fetish?
are you guys trying to revive ancient memes about candleja
Saggy? I say they're realistic. It's a late medieval setting, and it's the big-breasted women that have the saggy tits.
Who the fuck is candleja-
>this is what good animation looks like by OP standards
>animation is good
>art department forgot to draw a head on the enemy
Sasuga, DEEN.
No change in model, good drawings, dynamic poses, weight is handled really well too (you can feel how strong her blows are), and there is a fair amount of details in the movement while keeping the focus on the key poses in order to keep the movement simple, clear and effective.
I like how nobody notices how many really fucking close zoom-ins there are.
It's a really awful way to get lazy with animating full body shots.
All you gotta do is "nicely" animate a face and maybe some shoulders and an arm to simulate movement and the viewer can just let their imagination do the rest, am I right?
You think only anime is guilty of doing cheap shit like that?
It's almost like animation is difficult and japanese animation is about circumventing those difficulties in a way that works.
Everyone notice the moments where you have a movement really close to the "camera", but no one cares because it works.
Why are konofags so fucking annoying about their shitty self-insert harem show? Not even Musumefags are this obnoxious.
>Being THIS upset over a comedy show.
Jesus christ grow up.
Nice reddit meme.
Family guy is also a comedy show. Must mean no one can ever shit on it, right user? Also means i can compare KonoSuba with fart jokes.
SHUT UP AQUA *farts into aquas face* EXPLOSIONS!
Wow you are upset.
What exactly does that make you?
>anime will never have a scene as best as this
Looks retarded.
>200lb man coming towards you at 15mph
>bat him 5ft away with a sword
I didn't know Jon had the strength of 10 linebackers.
What is the name of this movie? That does look pretty fun.
>animated right
pick one
What is this masterpiece
Are you trolling?
>2010 calle
Arslan has had similar scenes.
also this
I thought you need to say candlejack fir-
Dead serio-
That wasn't anything special OP...
Why does candlejack sometimes put a hyphen, solve the captcha, and click post after he ge
And people give anime characters shit for being unreal strong and lucky
>forced animation
>le forced animation
>Am I fitting in yet, guys?
That's how they work in anime. And it's an anime. So it makes sense.
>le le forced animation
>le am i fitting in yet guys
>Am I fitting in yet, guys?
I want wiz to sit on my face
I bet her undead lich crotch smells like damp earth
we all do
GoT never had the best fight scenes
though he has a point
QUALITY. The sword didn't even touch the guy at :08
Atleast it had that amazing scene with the giant bow and arrow and the anchor.
Everything else is pretty bad.
OP is defending DEEN here
we all know the animation of the source material sucks
I'm confused
are you saying Family guy is the same as Konosuba?
I'm saying both are fucking shit at comedy. Though, i guess a much more better comparison to KonoSuba would be Rick and Morty.
I compare it to 8-bit theater
>characters personalities make them the best at their particular classes
>but horrible as people
only difference is that Konosuba cast actually like each other and don't want each other to die.
And don't forget annoying with no originality among the characters.
>Pretending to do a long take
maybe the animators shouldn't use their own sagging mantits as source material
Whose tits are they supposed to use? It's Japan.
dems fightin' words
Define "forced" animation.
D-Did that armour just jiggle?
I agree
I agree.
The animation in the LN was just fine. No need to try to animate them more than they already were.
>The animation in the LN was just fine
>in the LN
What's this from?
Dude, stop being so brittish.
Overly elaborate animation with unnatural amounts of movement that doesn't match the tone or gravity of the scene and just feels like the studio masturbating with its budget. Some infamous examples are Naruto Shippuuden 167, the dinner scene in Nanoha, and pretty much the entirety of Nichijou and several other KyoAni shows.
That's not forced animation that's overanimation, OP's gif doesn't qualify for it neither does KyoAni shows.
2nd OVA episode.
Truly KEENo.
I didn't realize it was out, thanks senpai.
>>forced animation
This meme, I swear