Molotov-Ribbentrop 2.0

>redpilled/redpillable on the JQ and race
>willing to put up with nationalism if it serves their view of what history should be
>anti-liberal, hated by the liberal elite (though not as much as fascists)
>decent economic analysis even if their solutions are shit

I think communists might be our greatest ally. I know Stalin was a faggot who stabbed Hitler in the back and that 20th century Bolsheviks were anti-cultural anti-Christian Jews, but it seems all the Jews nowadays are done with communism. What's your take Sup Forums

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fuck off kike

This is only option and we had this situation in Russia before.

Here is russian nationalists and communists who defended together democratic parliament against spetznaz and army who served to Yeltsin.

This is communists and nationalists together started to attack police forces. You can see Imperial and Red banners togerther.

Commie/nazi crowd breaks the police lines.

Crowd rush to Parliament building.

Commies and nazis on barricades together.

More red and imperial banners on barricades.

Spetznaz killed near 50 people who defended parliament.

Tanks ready to open fire.