Smartphone is unironically better than RedditSuba.
Smartphone is unironically better than RedditSuba
no, no it really isn't
Smartphones are for normalfags.
it really is
Did the show get good or are Sup Forums just memeing? The first episode was genuinely one of the most boring thing I've ever seen.
Knights and Magic is the AotS not this smartphone trash who has so many annoying eyecatchers
The eyecatchers are great though
but that's not a thread-worthy accomplishment
or any kind of accomplishment
>Smartphone is unironically better than RedditSuba.
kill yourself retard.
konosuba is good because it parodys the shitty isekai tropes. re:zero is good because it's a deconstruction of the isekai genre. trash like isekai smartphone will never reach there level simply because it embraces everything wrong with isekai. just because you hate anything popular doesn't mean you have to keep telling us about it all the time. in 10 years, when isekai smartphone is forgotten, konosuba and re:zero will be considered classics and the best of what the isekai genre has to offer.
Oh we're making words up ?
Let me try as well.
Stop being such a contr/a/rian !
Back to r/anime with you
Smartphone gets credit for not trying to pretend it isn't some low-brow SI Isekai like Konosuba is.
I'm sorry but when did ever konosuba take itself seriously ?
have you ever even gone to r/anime you autistic fag re:zero is hated there.
Do the Japanese even use reddit? It'd be pretty hard to pander to that crowd if they don't. I can understand accussing western shows of being reddit-influenced but you're being retarded now, user.
Hacks like Eiji Mikage go to MAL to jerk off about how great their shit is, so it wouldn't suprise me if other hacks visit leddit.
Yes, they hate is so much they can't stop talking about it
So both of you dipshits go to reddit, then come back and fight about it here. Neck yourselves.
Is that r/anime you fuckwit?
Well since you visit Sup Forums, that means you also go on pol I guess right
It has 17.3k subscribers, of course the majority of them also go on r/anime
>literally admit to going to /r-anime
>fight with other user about reddit's anime content
>trying to justify this
>being huge faggots in the process
Kill yourselves, the lot of you.
>trash is better than garbage
Not really helping your case there
17k minus 500k =/= majority
>Not owning a smarphone
I never admitted going here, retard-kun.
So even the normalfags and redditers hate Re:Zero now?
You see user, once I sat through 12 episodes of big order.
Did I enjoy it? no.
then why the fuck did I watch it?
To write a 5 page review of why it was so shitty same situation here.
exactly what I'd expect from idiots around here. there unable to argue so they resort to meme arrows and calling you reddit. at least on reddit you can have actual discussions unlike here.
Memesuba>Seasonal shit.
I like fapping in the bath room. I can go all out with little to no mess.
If both of you hate reddit, why the fuck is there an argument about what they like or don't. Fuck them and their shit tastes.
KonoSuba isn't that great in my book however it's still far better than this show. Also, way to show you're a newfag by bothering to mention Reddit in your post, idiot.
Once more, if it's so great then why do you dipshits want to be here so badly?
There are normal fags that love mainstream anime then there are redditers that are hipsters and hate mainstream anime. Two completley diffrent things
K&M is better than this show too however it's still not very good and certainly not AotS.
Can we stop talking about reddit on Sup Forums?
he looks progressively more annoyed the older she is.
>tfw Sup Forums has been conditioned by e-celebs to hate certain anime so much they are unable to spot a decent show
Remember when Sup Forums actually thought for themselves instead of relying on ecelebs and reddit?
tell that to the fag that started it >161074748
Redditers aren't normalfags? Then what are normalfags? MALwares? Or the ancient fuckers from Gaia?
Since you asked so nicely I'm sure everyone will follow your commands.
There's also the kneejerk reaction to when e-celebs do like something.
>Digi like Konosuba it MUST be shit
Like who cares what that idiot does or doesn't like.
The show is the worst thing I've ever watched in my life.
are you telling me all the girls there are traps?
>in 10 years, when isekai smartphone is forgotten
Smartphone will be forgotten in like 2 seasons. The how is generic and weak as fuck.
thanks for posting AOTS
>the how is generic and weak as fuck
are you okay? Did the majesty of AOTS smartphone fry your brains?
>unironic redditors defending reddit in this thread
Jesus fucking christ kill yourselves.
Her seiyuu is really good. I hope she gets more roles
A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
Probably even faster. It's worse than generic. It hits absolutely all the isekai tropes, but doesn't even try to be creative about it.
nice buzzwords you must write blogs
Nah. I just don't have shit taste.
You have literally overdosed on reddit.
>angry about getting called a redditor
>browses reddit
Cancer needs to go. Off you go, back to your filthy place.
>tfw the authors of Konosuba and re:zero have stated in interviews they became friends and now that P&P RPGs together
Must be the comfiest group.
Stay on your containment website. Lurk for 2 years before posting.
Fuck off tripshit
I agree.
>all this konosubrеddit meltdown itt