Will we ever see another Berserk animation with the quality of the Golden Age movies?
Will we ever see another Berserk animation with the quality of the Golden Age movies?
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over miuras dead body
>quality of the Golden Age movies
You mean absolute shit?
Still better than the 2016 anime.
My shit smells better than my dogs shit,doesn't make it any better.
Goddammit Japan is cold blooded for forcing CGI into anime, but to use Berserk just to make them get used to it
it's not good and will never be good
Stop trying too hard to fit in faggot
it wouldn't be so bad if the characters didn't look like dolls, even the stupid camera spins would be tolerable if the characters looked alive
>tfw the 2016/2017 anime looked so bad people think the movies looked good
Only the first film had bad CGI. The third one was a masterpiece and you better admit it.