BRA deserved lives of peace and happiness.
Shingeki no Kyojin
>Taking care of the new commander
>nothing of interest to talk about in months
>yet I still come back to post in these threads
Am I crazy, /snk/?
They really did.
I hope at least one gets a happy ending, but Reiner is a walking death flag and Annie status still unknown.
Is that pic Ymir's fw she realized she died for two faggots?
Yes, also when she heard about shifter cancer.
>Ymir died to prolong BR miserable lifes, a bit in Bort case.
such a waste
I think there is some part in the guidebook that says that Ymir went with BR, because of her inner fear that Marley get their hands on Historia or something like that.
Kill the 2 faggots. Annie can live.
But it was still stupid trusting the people used as meat shields by Marley to have any power deciding the future of Historia.
Maybe she thought it's better than nothing and Hisu having no one there in case Marley win.
That's retarded because all she did really was give back more power to Marley thus putting Historia in more danger.
I will translate what Isayama really meant: "STOP ASKING ME ABAOUT YMIR"
Guy fucked up and it´s too late to fix it.
Worst part is Bortshit died anyway so Ymir wasted her life.
They would be fucked either way, if Eren wouldn't have found out about how to use the coordinate.
At this point I think Marcel's memories forced Ymir to leave Hisu behind and save BR.
that's pretty lame and retarded at that because that would mean his brother becoming the jaw which he avoided
isayama just fucked up
She saved Bert who ended up giving the "God of Destruction" to Historia's side.
That is such a retcon because it was said only the coordinate gets the previous user's memories then all of a sudden it's any shifter.
and she got nothing
Her eyes went all First King after Eren used it.
Ymir's not a royal.
Endgame right here, brothers.
I hope peace comes for Reiner and Annie
Based Captain Rico.
Everyone's a little crazy.
His brother is not the only one he cared about.
not that kind of peace, I hope.
You are addicted.
so am I.
I wonder how they would portray those eyes in anime?
Shouldn´t Levi be taller? in the snk I think he was short because he lived in the underground and ate badly.
>it was said only the coordinate gets the previous user's memories
that's bullshit
priorities user
Bow to your Queen.
manlet not being a manlet just wouldn't be manlet
Threadly Reminder that Eren is cute
We know, Zeke
Arlerts a cute.
>Who is my cutie pie? my light? my sweetie lovely child? yes you are! *Kiss *clean his ear
Reminder that they canonically never bothered naming him.
they did, they called him "Mistake"
Depends on blood relations. It actually makes sense if you think about it.
Eren has both Coordinate and Attack inside him.
Previous owner of Snk= Grisha=Related to Eren by blood
Previous owner of FT= Frieda= Not related to Eren by blood
Now compare the memories Eren got from both.
He got a shit-ton from Grisha while from Frieda he got 2-3 panels worth of them.
Same goes for BR. They weren't related by blood to their prev holders so they only got little flashes from them.
Now in case of Porko, it's just convenient that the first memories he got from Ymir was about Reiner being Marcel.
A grandpa naming his grandson is not that uncommon. Many parents do that.
or it could be grandpa Arlert wanted to give him that name ever since he found out about the pregnancy. It happens, you know?
Reminder that Flocke was right in every sense of the word.
He was mean to Hitch, but he was right.
yeah, it was a selfish decision to bring Armong back and I think Eren didn´t learn the lesson.
>Then I think Asians wanting the founding titan is a bit silly.
they can just take in an eldian or might already have some being raised in secret
But all it takes is that Eldian to die for them to lose all control.
At the end Levi is the one who made the decision. And Flocke doesn't know the reasoning behind why Levi let Erwin go. So he thinks EM swayed Levi in favor of Armin. So he is not entirely right, i must say.
>implying a founding titan who can turn all eldians into mindless titans and control them even needs to go to the battlefield
they would get what they want before it expends it's lifespan
It might not be a surprise if they have some royal blood eldians hidden too, they have been planning this for long
Even so, there's no guarantee that they could maintain the power of the founding titan. I think that theory as an awful lot of holes in it.
it was still a selfish reason for Levi to make.
I want Ymir to sit on my face with her fat, ebony ass.
You know, malnourishment happens in real life too, even in murrica.
Yeah and Flocke didn't say shit to the ugly manlet. He's as retarded as them.
nothing is guaranteed user
and do mention the problems
founding titan is the only reason they would be willing to help kruger
anything else is even more less likely
He is right that both manlet and EM let their personal feelings get in the way. Saving Erwin was the better choice for humanity.
reiner please
>royal blood eldians
The king's will user.
Nothing is guaranteed. The holder of the founding titan could die, kill themselves, be abducted, refuse to use it etc
I just see it as being very flawed.
Welcoming refugees: Armin, Sasha, Connie, Jean, Marco, Reiner, Historia, Hanji
Rejecting refugees: Eren, Mikasa, Annie, Bertholt, Ymir, Levi, Erwin
Reiner is so handsome.
>Rejecting refugees
It's the smart move.
You mean a better choice for the Eldians of the walls.
Stop posting, Isayama.
and the king's will only started with the 145th and it's descendants, it's not hard to think some people in SnK might think it's a good reason to try it
and there's no other reason east nation would be involved user unless they just want to wipe all the eldians using it which probably match with the king's suicidal ways
everyone's plans are flawed. that is why they fail, marley was retarded, king was retarded grisha was retarded, so why not them? doesn't change the fact that they might still go with it
My point is that the core of the plan is more flawed than Marleys. Kruger didn't want all of Eldia to die, siding with Asian for that reason makes no sense. Your theory falls apart quickly.
But Ymir is a refugee
BRA deserved to die in the most painful way possible
Hisu pls
Eren, pls.
>Kruger didn't want all of Eldia to die, siding with Asian for that reason makes no sense.
you know the killing eldian thing is something I just mentioned
and what makes you think kruger is "following" them and not "using'' them
the point of the founder dying is true in any case, marley can't prevent them from killing themselves, it would be an endless cycle user
it IS the same stupid shit
even eren doesn't want that anymore probably
They chose to be marleyfags despite having seen what Levi can do. The deserve all the suffering they can get.
everyone did
no one is born bad
isayama would never let anyone be happy, NO ONE
even the walldians
Annie is made for Bert cock
Erwin rejecting refugees is just one of the reasons why I love him so much.
Does anyone have some drawings of the female snk characters by Saki Nakagawa?
you mean the one from chuugakkou?
Indeed. I haven't got around to buying more of it, but I find the art to be cute and endearing.
you can look for it online
I would rather own it, I like tangible media. But do you know where is the best place to see it online? Anons are always talking about bad translations in things.
As far as I know the first four volumes are out translated into English. I've had the fifth preordered for a while but it keeps being pushed back.
I see. Then I should be able to catch up on it quickly enough. Do you know why it keeps getting pushed back?
Not too sure. I just checked and on Amazon it's an alert rather than a pre-order. Date says 28 December 2017 there, but on Forbidden Planet it says it's due out next month. The same thing happened with the editions of the manga I buy so I guess it's just a thing.
Okay then, thanks for letting me know. Recently, my volume 22 of snk was supposedly delayed from amazon, but it arrived on time.