White gangsters

Why did white people stop being involved in organized crime?

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When prisons filled up with niggers.

jews aren't White and they never stopped.

are you 12? Come to Boston sometime and see how savage the potatoe niggers are over here


This is not /pol

Inb4 where do you think you are

Just fuck off with the movie

How the fuck is this not political? Eat shit kike

FBI and other law enforcement agencies got too good at dismantling complex criminal organisations. Especially with things like RICO.
This opened up the space for disorganised criminals to take advantage of the profit opportunity. It doesn't matter how many niggers the DEA puts behind bars, there's always 2 more to replace each one of them, whereas if you take out the dozen wops at the head of a mob family the rest can't function.


This. It’s all blue collar crimes