Chapter 192 is out, boys.
Wait, where's 191?
Whiteout scans site. Released a few days ago.
When are they going to fuck holy shit
Pretty fucking soon.
>asking someone for a date
What did she meme by this?
She lives in Anonymous proxy.
Tags: femdom
what did she mean by this
She's going full nuclear.
>They go back to his place after the date
>It's getting late
>Hishiron, out of desperation, says something like "what would you do if I was actually an older woman?"
>Support team's alarm bells go off, they get ready to intercede
>Kaizaki finally puts two and two together
>They fuck right there
Doujins when?
There's barely even any good fanart for it.
I'm expecting most of that to happen anyways.
>support team checks on Kaizaki's house after the deito
>two snoring sounds
Who is tamarai in love with? Is she a carpet muncher?
What happened to my best girl Kariu?
She's being walked home gently by Ohga on the daily.
nice, at least someone is getting some fun in this story
Reminder that it's less than two weeks until that point instory.
Pls no die.
Question is; is this the last arc? Because there's still the love triangle to deal with in the background.
>the love triangle
>love triangle
Do what now?
Wrong term. I mean the volleyball girl, the tall guy and the emo guy.
Oh so that's probably who she was talking about in the latest chapter. She did say it would never go anywhere because she likes their friendship though.
I assumed it was blondie, because emo has a thing for her.
Plot twist: they're fags and she's a fujo.
Well, she blushed when he put his hand on her forehead ages ago. I assume it's him.
Wouldn't complain.
Reminder that we're not getting a season 2, only the final arc, adapted.
At least we get more meido Hishiron.
That's surprising, I wasn't expecting anything at all. Hoping for sad end
Is there any appeal to this borefest aside from Mashiron being cute?
already happened in "Again" I think
nvm, got the series wrong