I just started pic related. Do they ever explain why Dio possessing Jonathon's body causes Dio and the Joestars to possess stands? Dio didn't have a stand in Phantom Blood.
I just started pic related...
>Do they ever explain why Dio possessing Jonathon's body causes Dio and the Joestars to possess stands?
They had stands, just like a lot of other people in the world. It's just the genetic-psychic connection with JoJo Sr.'s body getting stabbed by the arrow forced the expression of those stands.
It's questionably psychic space magic, I ain't gotta explain shit.
It gets even more fucked in part 5 once you find out the arrows are infused with a space virus responsible for stands.
>infused with a space virus responsible for stands
I thought that whole space virus thing was a mistransliteration for the meteor causing a sickness in those people not spiritually able to possess a stand?
I thought it was just magical metal doing the stand-giving?
Science Fiction > Magic
Fite me.
You're probably right. I honestly couldn't tell what the fuck was going on near the end of 5.
I just looked at the new translations.
Nope. I was wrong. Still an alien virus. See file name.
Apples > Oranges
Fite me
If you get cut by the arrow you either die or get a stand.
Dio got his stand via the arrow (Enya gave it to him).
As a result any direct descendant of Jonathon who was alive at the time also got a stand as a result of the psychic backlash from his body / "destined" connection of the Jostars & Dio.
Jolyne didn't get one until later because she wasn't around when Dio got his.
Or something like that, Araki might have forgotten the details.
>Araki might have forgotten the details
That applies pretty often throughout the series.
Jojo has more plotholes than any other popular series I can think of
Name a SINGLE one
I know it's easy, but just tell me the first one that comes to your mind
If stands come from the arrow or DIO Joestar Magic, how the fuck did Avdol and others like him in Part 3 get their stands
Jojo started being way more dumb past Part 2.
Not just the wacky hit, but simply things not making sense logically.
Born with it.
You can get stand via the arrow, or have it from birth.
>past Part 2.
The entirety of Part 2 was a complete asspull almost all the way through.
All the actual JoJo plot holes, and you name something which isn't a plot hole at all? Fucking weak, man.
Why does Polnareff completely forget his armor removal ability after the Hol Horse fight?
It's also why Josuke got sick as a kid during the whole DIO fiasco, but since Jolyne wasn't even conceived it didn't happen to her
Speaking of sick Josuke. Was the kid who saved them supposed to be time traveling Josuke? Did he just drop that part or was it another power of Killer Queen we just never got to see and that was only implied somehow?
>Once people are dead, they're dead, Josuke
>We're gonna forget about the time I revived my grandpa after all of his blood was sucked out, though.
It was dropped
So as it STANDs it's just a rando high schooler with a lame haircut who saved him and his mom
I'm sorry, did you forget about Joeseph's hand strangling Kars after it got cut off? Or how about the fact that they solved their problems by throwing him into space and saying "fuck it"?
Wasn't he also injured?
I wish we got to see Josuke babysit Jolyne
Science fiction AND magic > science fiction > magic
Remember when Dire's decapitated head somehow managed to spit a Hamon-charged rose into Dio's face?
>We'll also going to forget later when Josuke literally revives Okuyasu and the kid from literally being killed via complete body explosion or partial body mutilation.
Can't save grandpa tho, he just got hit a bit by a water stand. He didn't have anyone to talk to in the spirit world so he couldn't come back like Okuyasu either.
Cosmere soon.
Probably descendants of the first people who got stands from the meteor arrows. If your parents had stands, it's extremely likely you could be born with one too.