Cernovich drops bombshell
Get the fuck in here the FBI is literally collapsing right before our eyes

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t. Mike

So this is the power of the Gorilla Mind

Blocked mike on all social media, lispy faggot follows me here. Good news though I guess.

Maybe 60 Minutes can attempt a hit piece on Cernovich like Scott "well its a fact because the Clinton campaign said so" Pelley tried a while back.



Pic related is the CIA Officer in charge of trying to 'handle' the Inspector General of the Department of Justice


Not a huge fan of Mike but I don't get the hate for him either. The alt right is bound for failure in its current form if it hates on idiots even when they can be useful. Same shit with Milo.

At this point I expect the alt right's ideas to be taken up by smarter more serious and more forceful and violent people in 20 years time when the problems facing the west are more imminent.