Operation Ragu

You know what to do.
This thread is to create an alliance of memetics to help our friends escape The EUSSR.
Post em.
Italians, what do you call "Italexit", so we can make them local for you?
This is one of the final moves before check mate...
We may see an end to this memewar.
OP Ragu is a big plan...for you.
Make Memes, for War.

Other urls found in this thread:

ia600401.us.archive.org/21/items/PracticalIdealism-EnglishTranslation/Practical Idealism – English Translation.pdf







Thanking you.
My clocks ticking as I produce!


>all these memes
Thanks based anglo!

> 400 pound Russian info-bot posting from bedroom DETECTED




I don't have a stance on the EU. Can you tell me why it's bad for us? Or just bad in general


Nice stuff.


Who is the biggest shill we need to go for?


It's inception.
"Practischer Idealismus".
It was wrote in 1922, explains the entire thing.



Cheers mate.
What is the Italian word for "Italexit"?
I want to be able to make them local for you.
So any good phrases would be cool! (In Italian, with Italian humour)!


sorry but are they refugees or identitarians?


Englishman defending Italian heritage and culture.
Quite different.

Italesci, or Italfuori
I think Italeave would be better


They are southern italians supporting Salvini.
Lega has a bad history with people from the south, that explains the meme.


I got a few old french memes I took from the french election time.








Remix time!
The Italians have humour, this will work.

Did you read it?


ItaLeave is good, but best to keep it local for you guys?


>"eo, is, itum, italia"
Only for patricians


YES!!!! YES!!!! YES!!!!!

i am happy

let's do this Rome

That pic need to updated


Yeah, a few times.
For Lisbon Treaty 1 and 2.

I'd prefer to trust an Italians perspective.
No offence.
They know their nation and lingo etc...

How many hours in MS paint sir?

Why did you post silly shit you know means nothing?

Because OP can shill.

MSPaint doesn't have tilt.
You should what I can when I break out the Wacoms.
I'm pumping memes about one every 4 mins atm.
Trying to get some incentive rolling for you guys.

yes, I am fine trained in the ways of the echo.
I admit that.
That's what we are here to learn ladies and gents!
(And save a cradle of Western Civilisation whilst we are at it).

Why are you here?
...on an imageboard?

The shills will attack to bump and slide,
but there is no end to this Ragu ride...

I'm an Italian on holiday
Where can I download it in Ita/Eng?

I liked "Quitaly" but the political propaganda here is more "no euro"/ "basta euro" than anything.

Most copies were burned by a group whom nobody seems to know what book they burned.
Use DuckDuckGo or Tor, certainly don't buy it.
Then look up "The Kalergi Prize" and it's winners, previously known as The Charlamagne Prize.

"Quitaly" is very funny desu.

Found this on startpage.

I found this, is it legit?
ia600401.us.archive.org/21/items/PracticalIdealism-EnglishTranslation/Practical Idealism – English Translation.pdf

>The absolute state of Greece

Thanks, apparently there is only that one translation available from multiple sources

Looks like it. Never read it either, but I heard the EU was made to fuck with Europe from day one.
Yeah, certainly looks weird.

Friends, has the fire started? Forza Italia!

Al Dente

I ain't clicking it.


Be careful what you click.
Once known, you can't unknow.
Your angry will grow though..like a fucking PHOENIX.


Who is the woman?
I see her a lot. A news reader?
One of us?


she is a Trudeau tier feminist, enemy of mankind (quite literally)

She's Laura Boldrini the (former) President of the Chamber of Deputies. She's rallying with Liberi e Uguali the SJW party in Italy. Full feminazi also.


she's a leftist politician
like really, her party broke off from our main center-left one for not being "progressive" snough



Based old lady. Also, bumping from my gym.

She's going to be fun to mess with then.
I'll get started.


It will never happen.

Not with that attitude.

Even if he gets elected he will not do it

But the fire rises.
It needs fuel.
All of you, fire up your photoshops, Twatters, Facebergs, Paint, and all your tools.
If even for the fun, it's worth it.
Italy needs our help. Time to nut up.
As we are foreign, all we can do is generate memes and help via Kek magic.
But sometimes...it's enough.

Does someone have Italian Twatter/Faceberg we can send memes to Matteo with?

yes i've a troll account and sometimes i send him some

did you need a burner phone to make it? I cant make a twitter account without a phone number apparently


I'm undecided, give me a reason to want to leave the European Union.

In Italian it could be nice "uscITA"

As "uscita" means exit in Italian.

The EU as it is right now is a fucking scam. They've forced upon us their mad diktats that are designed to destroy the economy and the culture.

She's the worst, she's the most hated person in Italy.
>Against traditional family
>Pro-global, wants us to adopt African lifestyle
>Wants to give away our full sovereignty to the EU
>Thinks tourists and migrants have to be treated the same way (luxury hotels etc.)
> Wants to change Italian language to make it less "sexist"
> etc.

why would you want to keep being Juncker's puppet if you know he'll cut your eurogibs the moment you stop towing the (((line)))?


I don't get it. Is the rope supposed to be a giant strand of spaghetti?