Left or right?
Left or right?
I don't understand why everyone like boku no hero.
Seems like a blatant rip off of Naruto.
More like Shounen Tiger and Bunny with weaker characters and more hit or miss character designs.
I enjoy it, but not as much so as some people.
Left has no personality, and right is a spergo. I'd choose neither.
>More like Shounen Tiger and Bunny with weaker characters and more hit or miss character designs.
This is not remotely true. The characters in T&B outside Wild Tiger himself was bleh and Horikoshi is an excellent character designer unlike Katsura.
>Alpha as fuck
>Every bitch wants his cock
>Protects himself from villains
>Natural leader
>Got the MC to turn so gay from him he's expunged his entire criminal record and terrorist status
>Does whatever he wants
>No child support cuz that's for cucks
>So popular that his death in Zabuza arc was written out
>Popular among the general fanbase, girls actually self-insert as his love interest
>Amicable if you don't antagonize him
>Reasonably edgy due to tragic life
>Konoha patriot
>Gets kidnapped and used as a sex toy by villains constantly
>Zero people like him except the class homo
>Edgy despite being pampered son of two loving and rich fashion designers
>Will literally cry in terror when attacked by someone stronger than him
>Can't even masturbate or he'll blow off his own dick
>Canonically ugly
>Beta trying to be alpha and failing
>Nobody respects him
>Picks fights with people weaker than himself to get his dick hard, but rages when they fight back
>Beloved by douches who wear TAPOUT! shirts and fujoshi who wanna see him literally get ass fucked
The choice is clear
>Seems like a blatant rip off of Naruto.
This is how you know someone has never watched or read it
Not at all
Any anime or manga with superpowered teenagers fighting to be the best and save the world is clearly Naruto
>worthless MC
This fits both.
>borrowed power
This fits both
>talented frenemy
This fits both
>generic oh so evil villain
This fits both
>female characters are worthless
This fits both
I guess almost every single anime is naruto then.
I dropped it a couple of chapters ago. It got really boring.
Nice job you can recognize roles that are in pretty much every single kind of media.
I don't like to throw around the "you're a kid" insult, but you must be a child if you're so inexperienced you only recognize these tropes in a few anime. Watch more.
>i-i-i-its nothing alike!!!
>g-g-g-ood job recognizing roles in every kind of medium!!213
Nice cop out.
Both are garbage.
Why don't we compare girls between the two series instead?
Like Anko vs Midnight
Bakugou obviously. He's a shithead but he actually gets comeuppance and subtly develops. His peers also treat him like the shithead he is. Deku's rivalry with and respect for him is justified because Bakugou actually displays traits that show the audience that, despite his personality, he's the real deal and a contender for the #1 spot as it is defined by society.
Sasuke is a fucking nut and after part 2 there is literally no reason for Naruto to regard him as anything other than an enemy.
>in a few anime
Better question. Left or right
He's a retarded character, susgay actually has a reason to be a complete turbo shithead.
There is no logical explanation for this character to be such a shit head, its retarded his whole character is fucking garbage and a susgay clone without the actual backstory.
Right. Left just had his slut mother throw boiling water on his face.
sasuke was justified in his edge
Jesus Christ, these Boku no Hero Academia character designs take edge to a whole new level. This is some Nero the Sable tier edge.
In terms of personality though I doubt they can be edgier than Sauce and Gaara.
Gaara is worse and did worse shit, but he also had it worse. I'll go with Todoroki because Gaara was also boring as fuck.
>There is no logical explanation for this character to be such a shit head, its retarded his whole character is fucking garbage and a susgay clone without the actual backstory.
what? spoiled children who think they are special are everywhere. whether in fiction (jeoffrey, from game of thrones) or in real life (american neonazis).
>muh spoiled upbringing turned me into a psychotic person
He wasn't even spoiled, he was just better than everyone.
Did not pay attention to manga for children. I may as well just dig through the archives and find my past post since I've done this song and dance before. Bakugou directly parallels Deku's development and this is all intentional. It's more than being spoiled. He learned the same lesson as Deku at the same age. Some people are just born more fit to be heroes. Deku had the real spirit of heroism that Bakugou lacked, and this pissed him off to no end. Deku ending up quirkless was divine justice, it vindicated his idea that he only had to be strong and look cool to be the best.
Then it turns out Deku has a quirk and it's ridiculously powerful. His fragile world view that's been nipping at him all along is shattered. Bakugou would have thrived in the sick world of heroes, and he knows that, but now Deku has arrived and he's the cure. Deku brings out the best in Todoroki, but Bakugou utterly fails. He's not good enough to be fought at Todoroki's full strength.
He gets captured by villains and they try to coerce him into joining their side. He refuses. Why? Because All Might looks cool when he wins. Not long after this, All Might is reduced to Mr. Skeltal and has to put everything on the line to save some shithead who only likes him because he's strong. All Might sure struck a cool pose at the end there, a few minutes after Bakugou balled his eyes out and begged him to get them out of there alive.
Lastly he fails his provisional license exam and finds out Deku is literally All Might's direct successor. Bakugou has been humbled time and again, and even after beating Deku 1v1, he can't keep it together. His shitty personality attracted the villains to him, All Might sacrificed the last of his power to save him, he's partially responsible for All Might's retirement. He's stronger but he's not better. His lesson isn't one that's learned from being overpowered.
Get fucking wrecked Bakugou is great.
what I want to say is that children who grow up surrounded by praise often have a sense of superiority. so it is very easy for them to become extremely irritated when they realize that they are not so special. bakugou is a caricature of this behavior.
Not the same user, but, while all of those things are observed in both Naruto and BnH, they're things almost omnipresent in fighting shonen series and also they're played differently in both.
>worthless MC
They're worthless for different reasons
>borrowed power
Naruto's power comes as a curse, from an evil source, Deku was picked to be Superhero Avatar.
>talented frenemy
Both Bakugou and Todoroki manage to be different and more likeable than Sasuke, mostly by virtue of not having the author forcing the story around them. Don't know who do you consider the talented frenemy though.
>generic oh so evil villain
Well, this one is hard, the villains are bland in both series, and while they have valid reasons to hate their societies, they deal with it like children. As much as Stain is right, he's a grown man cosplaying as a Ninja Turtle and stabbing people over their perceived faults, it's kinda lame.
>female characters are worthless
I don't see the girls in BnHA being worthless, the series gravitates towards the main characters like in every other shonen but they're far from worthless. Naruto girls were all trash, not even good for fanservice or waifubait.
He's not a psycho, he was merely a bully.
The teacher openly praised him in front of everybody for his overpowered quirk, and he had to know the shit he did with that quirk. Not even one adult stepped out to him to tell him to tone down on being so violent, they rewarded the violence in him, and he wanted more so he got more violent. Now he's an edgelord.
Judging by your post explosion guy is better because he actually get shitted on for being a asshole.
Who do you consider to be the villain of Naruto? Because Madara is based as fuck. No anime character can defeat him.
That's very noticeable on him, on elementary school he was the top dog, but on the hero class from Japan's top hero school he's among peers, and even gets mocked. Having the kid he considered inferior all his life being respected at the same time must be hard, the manga may not be so good but at least I respect Hori for making me interested in a character that, objectively speaking, is a piece of shit.
He's a generic oh so evil villain though. It's almost a Bond villain. In fact, he's even worse, he's one of those idealists that stroke their egos by pretending that their master plan will help the world.
>Konoha patriot
well, you made me reply, I give you that
Sasugay any day of the week since, for the most part, he was just distant towards people instead of outright being a provocative asshole. And his edge is actually justified instead of just "grrr i'm so mad!" like the nigger on the right.
Naruto tried to be something that was not and turned into a mess of politics, "this is not even my final form" and edge. Boku no Hero is just your average shonen bit with superheroes.
He was creating Heaven on Earth for the entire world, he was just lied to about what it actually does.
>>So popular that his death in Zabuza arc was written out
I still can't believe both these guys are popular.
Sasuke at least had a reason to be a little fuck unlike Bakugo.
He killed that cuck Danzo, so I guess he's a patriot.
both are the most overrated shit from their respective manga and anime
naruto get out of here
Do you even fucking know what edgy means?
What the fuck is wrong with your heads you bunch of fucking autists?
If you are going to criticize something at least try to inform yourself about it
>people who only watched naruto The Thread
>>Alpha as fuck
I couldn't read further
Sasuke joins the bad guys when he gets his feelings hurt. Bakugo rejects them and blows up their face.
Left or right?
this one
What a slut
He is Alpha
I want to CUM inside Bakugo
Right is a faggot, left is a faggot but his position is actually justified.
Right because Left is just the concentration of everything wrong with Naruto.
>tfw no one "gets" this meme
This meme is already ruined before it left this place, I dread what happens when it hits Facebook and the like.
Right is a good guy who refuses to join the side of evil. Left is a bitchboy who gives up on all that is good and righteous to satisfy his bloodlust, succumbing to his emotions like a child.
that's hard because they are both shitty characters