I am afraid of the muslims taking over the world

Go to paris, it looks like baghdad with millions of arabs and africans.
Go to london , it feels like kabul with millions of pakis and arabs and africans.
Someone needs to rise and exterminate all arabs,pakis,africans,persians,turks,afghans,indians,bangladesh,indonesian,malaysian,chechneyans,bosnians,albanians in europe and in the USA and in Canada and in Australia.

>Someone needs to rise and exterminate all arabs,pakis,africans,persians,turks,afghans,indians,bangladesh,indonesian,malaysian,chechneyans,bosnians,albanians in europe and in the USA and in Canada and in Australia.
Who, what army and to what purpose?

Enforce state atheism, but I think most of them will convert after a while (well at least the 100+ iq part)

The US Army, Marines, Navy and Airforce.
The europeans are too chickens and gay to.do it.
To what purpose you ask?
No less than saving Western civilization from a muslim take over and a return to the stone age.

>To what purpose you ask? No less than saving Western civilization from a muslim take over and a return to the stone age.
You act as if Westerners have lived in shining isolation until five years ago and the rest of the world woke up at the same time wanting to kill them all.

Wstern culture (or at least the Anglo version of it) has won, whether the ones opposing it in all ways want it or not.

Most East Asians dream of living like their Western peers, not like their nobility of old. The Muslims you screech against do so after joining a sect created as a throwaway cult to put an obstacle to the expansion of Russia, and their desperate attempts to look for something that was truly theirs ended up in finding it in religion... they exist only because we (as Westeners) confused absolute tolerance with multiculturalism. Force the ones that feel like outcasts ignored both by their culture and their host country to embrace their hosts' culture, and soon they'll disappear.

user have you ever even been to Paris or London or are you just repeating shit other people on the internet say to you


>Go to paris, it looks like baghdad with millions of arabs and africans.
Go to london , it feels like kabul with millions of pakis and arabs and africans.
user watching Fox News is not the equivalent of actually visiting these places


>someone needs to rise
That's the problem right here, if I were to do it or anyone else you fucking cowards would stand and watch and wouldn't say a word when the bad guvn'ment came to do the arresting and proceeded to put the poor guy in jail. You deserve to be cucked your entire life and die alone faggot