Is strength what matters most?
Is Vegeta our guy?
Other urls found in this thread:
>angry manlet
Vegeta and Goku are immigrants and Bulma and Chichi are roasties. The show promotes racemixing with extraterrestrial monkeys and planting the idea that racemixing produceses offspring that have superior genes. DO NOT WATCH
>the half-breeds are all soyboys while purebred saiyans are alpha and train to get stronger
absolutely disgusting
their voices in any dub are so shit it makes me puke
I'm fine with Vegeta's Jap voice, but outside of that Frieza and Black (probably Zamasu too) are the only big improvements over the dub
They've gotten better in Kai/Super desu.
Prince of ALL Saiyans and a GOD?
Nice going OP. You posted the dubbed version instead of the subbed version. Now get out.
Can you fucking put subs next time thanks