Silent Voice >>> Your Name

Silent Voice >>> Your Name

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KnK wasn't even anything special. Yamada's worst work probably. Kimi no na wa was just shit.

Nope. Your Name had better animation, premise and actually delivered on the romance aspect.

pic related >>>> all

Ueno >*

>kyoani shit

I want to kick Ueno in the ribs

Kimi no Na wa
>terrible storytelling
>excellent animation because muh freelancers
>generic characters
>cliche body swap plot
>mediocre OST

>Koe no Katachi
>delicate storytelling texture
>excellent character animation
>complex, realistically portrayed characters
>beautiful minimalistic OST and experimental sound design that adds weight to the deafness theme
>will be taught to schools all over Japan, resonating wonderfully with the shared setting


I liked Silent Voice better.
They both had amazing animation man, Kyo-ani is always on point watchu on about

It seems people on this board have banded into those two camps huh

Your Name was comfy and charming during the first half, was on its way to being a really good film, but that whole second half about a meteor whiping a place out and he's been talkin to a ghost or whatever the fuck that convolution plot device slowly removed my caring about what was happening, and it went on for far too long. It didn't feel like that plot device fit well with the tone of the beginning at all, seemed a bit ham-fisted. Also their friends not being ridiculously alarmed by their schizophrenic-ness seems a bit far fetched but that's not that bad.

I liked Your Name the first time I watched it, the second time I realized what a strange choice of narrative device that whole second half was.

Silent Voice I absolutely love. The characters that are established feel incredibly genuine. There was nothing umm...whats the word...corny or contrived about their personalities, very believable. Not to mention the usual Kyo-ani prettiness to the whole thing. That little peruvian girl was fucking adorable too with her squeaky sandles heh. The thing where the faces have Xs over everyone is a very relatable experience for me, and that opening up to his first friend is actually heartwarming. Some of that drama on the bridge seemed a bit much, I didn't care for the stuff with, whats her name Ueno? The cat girl? It was still done really well at any rate. The MC (name escapes me atm) doing a kind of personality 180 and acting all 'lets have fun! what do you want to do tomorrow?' was emotional and charming too. And christ, that fuckin final scene does me in. I've watched this film like 12 times now, can't say exactly what I love about it but probably the characters and how they feel like real people (for a change, not just a bag of tropes).

Everybody knows that, you faggot. But it's a KyoAni's so we have to say that it's shit.

I feel you brother

Yeah well if it's so much better why did Shinkai both critically and commercially cuck Yamada

Because Shinkai is a cuck himself

>the first half was comfy but the second half was ass

are you me?

>will be taught to schools all over Japan, resonating wonderfully with the shared setting

I personally don't give a shit about body swapping stories at all

>yet another false flagging Sup Forumsermin thread
You fucks need to get a life

But Anime Ja Nai > Silent Voice

Silent Voice is in the top 10 of all animes ever produced t b h

Yes this is correct

You don't even know what my name is, asshole.

Silent Voice >>>>>>>>>>> Your Name
You missed so much >

my nigga

i want to bully shoko with my dick

Say my name in a silent voice.

Here ya go

Nope, kimi no na wa is a fun romp and KnK i a failed adaptation. If it was a series, then yes it would be better.

KonoSekai (10/10) >>> Koe no katachi (9/10) >>> Kimi no na wa (8/10)


I still don't know why she wanted him to remain friends with such shit people

Yes I too enjoyed watching sociopathic soulless japanese bully a deaf girl to near suicide and making incredible mental gymnastics to justify it.

My wife Ueno is so cute

>>will be taught to schools all over Japan, resonating wonderfully with the shared setting

I bet those gooks can't wait to see their downright evil bullying justified in some cartoon.

Your Name has a really strange case where plot device carries the characters and the plot.

Your name was a high budget anime OVA, Silent Voice was a proper movie.
It's a joke Shinkai's shit is selling so well.

It's not justified.
The movie doesn't tell you that Ueno is right, it tells you she has a reason for what she is doing. It's flawed and silly, but it's there. This is compared with Ishida, who bullies Shoko only because he can.

Because critics and normalfags alike are both stupid.

Its probably because
>two people bodyswap when they sleep
>live each others lives
>meet up
>fall in love
Is a bit too generic

The movie clearly had an agenda the likes of "well sometimes excessive tormen- I mean bullying is just a natural and healthy response!".

This movie was about making up all the bullying a kid had done, there's nothing "bullying is healthy" bullshit in this. Did you even watch the movie?

Not really, everyone else was just along for the ride and waited for a good moment to tell the deaf girl what a piece of shit she was and that's why she got bullied, meanwhile MC-kun was just sorry because he got bullied himself and because he was horny. It's bullshit and you know it.

MC-kun entered a coma for pussy when he had Ueno? That's rich

Gooks go by the "chosen one" mentality, that's why best girl almost always loses in every anime/manga in existence.

Koe no Katachi ost > Kimi no Na wa ost

I didnt really like the KnK manga, is the movie good?

It cuts out a lot of the manga and has a better focus on Ishida, but it also feels a little lacking because it cuts a lot. Character development on side characters suffer, but it's still pretty solid. Music is good and the voice acting is good. If you didn't like the manga's premise or drama, you probably won't like the movie.

overall KnK was better

Wtf are you smoking?
The best girl won on KnK which is Nishimiya.
Kawai is trash, Ueno is trash.

Threadly reminder

Your Name is a cultural milestone that cemented its place in Japanese media and entertainment canon, the thing that academics will remember and write about, what did KnK achieve in comparison?

who cares about that shit man

whatever speaks to your heart is what is good

>it got awards! that means it's the best the year period.

>muh subjectivity is most important
That's what you'd expect from uncultured fags. Face it anons, Your Name is important and you Yamadashit isn't.

Is Your Name NTR?

okay jewollywood

Conforming to the popular waves of society is no means for a proper tool of evaluation of art or anything else

Your own thoughts are actually important
I recommend Emerson, specifically "Self Reliance"

Are you implying "Around the world in 80 days" isn't an absolute masterpiece of cinematography?

you are the one saying your name is better because it's popular
that's the definition of subjectively

Red Turtle > In this corner of the world > A silent voice > Your name

This is an objective fact

Koe no Katachi is better.
Good story, realistic, many can relate, shows that everything isn't perfect, struggles, life lessons and all those other shit.

Your Name won the public.
In This Corner won the critics.
Koe no Floptachi won jack shit.

Oh man I't's been awhile since I've seen that gif haha still a classic

>socrates was murdered by the ruling government therefore he was a babbling idiot


It's certainly not better than the ten fucking commandments

how many levels of ad populum are you on bro?

>life lessons and all those other shit.

Truly words of wisdom we are beholden to.

Remember, Taxi Driver lost the best picture award to Rockie. And while I think both movies were good, Taxi Driver was much better then rockie. I think Your Name is a good date movie, but it's inferior to a Silent Voice.


If you ask me, while Kimi no Na wa had some rather questionable complexities of plot construction, it still offered something emotional.

Koe no Katachi as well, quite magnificently.

It's not very important to compare, but since that's the fuckin premise of this awful thread, ...


Nigga, when it comes to art what academia holds important is important and objective, your subjectivity is only important for your conscious and subconscious.
There's a difference between subjectivism, relativism and objectivity. Google their meaning and then come talk to me, ok sweetie?

Kyoanifags are just asspained no one cares about their movie. The only way to get people to talk about it is to compare it to a movie it has no business being compared and vice versa.

You will never unsee Spiderman hiding in her ear.

stop being edgy kids

This was probably the most unbelievable things about the movie
If I was Shouko I would have just sign languaged fuckoff and never spoken to any of them again

Look at what movie won this year? Try again, cocksucker.

They made everyone so much more attractive in the movie.

Goddamn it user.

The premise of this thread is dumb.

I loved a Silent Voice. I wouldnt think to compare it to Kimi no Na wa. But I guess you got to leave it to Sup Forums to screw things up.

I don't care about whether someone likes this or that for me to decide whether I myself like it.
Before you knew whether anyone else, critics or othewise, prasied X film, are you capable of saying "I loved this" or "I didn't care for this" ? If not then, ... you're not centered with yourself. The idea that any idea or group of people's opinions is important is always subject to the person who is saying that statement. Subjectivity is inescapable.

...anyways what was this about? Right, listen to your inner voice. Popular opinion is rarely ever the kind of opinion given due consideration by minds worthy of the task. It is more of an expediency, a market task. "If you need this kind of kick, this will do the trick".

Fuck all that mess.
Be a proper human, and be an individual, and scorn all that doesn't resonate with your soul and its innate knowing.

When people conclude this or that about something out of a shallow well, they might think they want to be agreed with, but really they want to be challenged. The challenge will dissolve their lazy attitude, their insistence of obeying general tides and not thinking for themselves.

>If I was Shouko I would have just sign languaged fuckoff and never spoken to any of them again
And this is why you're a lonely basement dweller.

t. Kyoanifag

Ueno Naoka >>> Nishimiya Shouko

I liked both. Both are good, but Kimi no Na Wa gets the plus points for being original (if cliche), whereas Koe no Katachi is an adaptation of a manga which doesn't quite live up to it.

KnK manga vs KnNW would go to KnK simply because both are great, but the latter is strongly cliche, even if a well made one.

Movie-wise, however, KnNW wins.

As I said, though. Both are still fantastic and worth a watch in the end.

She thinks its her fault and something she can fix. This one of the things that pisses Ueno off, Shoko doesn't get that they don't want to be her friend.

>mfw anime secondaries shitting up KnK threads again

Good girl


This. Sufferingfags are the true KnKfags.
Bitch Mom>MOTYAY>Shouko>Shota-Sis>Tall


She's got plenty of time to kick ass. She's younger than when Shinkai made 5cm/s.

Why should I give a fuck about what some pretentious fucks think?


Yeah, kinda agree with this

It's your choice whether you do give a fuck about it or not, but art is legitimized when pretentious fucks discuss about it, write about it and influence opinions of other people. You can revel in your subjectivity all you want.

Silent Flop TOP KEK

ffs why would you do that?

Sorry. Katabuchi and Shinkai can't hear Yamada's screams over all these awards and critic recognition they're recieving.

Maybe can come play when she can get notable awards.

Look at that dopey face

True that.

Lordy is this real?

That's why people complain about the adaptation. It left out the 10 y/o bukkake scene.

Yes, absolutely