Still..... Waiting......
Little Witch Academia
Other urls found in this thread:
Anons who have it have to travel back to burgerland. Just be patient.
LWA side-scrolling shooter game when?
>Anons are still buying other stuff they wanted, be patient
>Is 3:00 am in Japan, anons are sleeping, be patient
>Anons have to come back, be patient
I'm starting to feel we are just deluding ourselves
When are we going to see more of this semen demon?
I'm still waiting for my Chariot/Akko doujin.
Nah, I'd think a 3d platformer would be more up LWA's alley.
S2 when Barbara and Lotte go to a Nightfall gathering and there's a pen that makes all the fictional character real ;_;
There were at least 2 guys that posted real photos of their doujins, one of which was a tripfag.
im waiting for it!
It's okay, I'm still waiting for the Andrew one. We can wait together and discuss LWA.
>It's over Diana!
>Not so fast, Akko! You activated my trap card!
This, I want a chill platformer that lets me explore Luna Nova like the Harry Potter game on PS1!
Forgot my picture
>tfw we still argues TV LWA could be better until this day
Are TV LWA is truly the "Wasted Potential Anime of All Time" ??
>not a metroidvania where you recruit witches that allow you to unlock previously unreachable parts of Luna Nova
Nah, that's Angel Beats
>not Eureka 7:AO
>Not a character action game like Wonderful 101 where you control all the witches of Luna Nova and save humanity by mashing the x button a million times.
i wonder if i could do something like that in my spare time, though i do need something better/faster than allegro to work with
Remember tumblrinas & reddittors
Dont believe MAL rating
This show is 7/10 at most.
that's still a better score than your face could ever achieve
Literally this but replace Bart Simpson with cour 1 and cour 2.
>believing in MAL ratings in the first place
Yoshinari should not comparing Animation World with Magic World
We already watch Shirobako for fuck sake.
He should make an original story about magic, & only magic.
Stories always have a real life referent, they aren't created in a vacuum. Stories exclusively about fantasy are empty.
>The entire idea of the story and everything related to Chariot is about a Miyazaki anecdote.
Not him, but while this is true, you're making the mistake of taking the allegory too seriously. Like I was telling other user in the previous thread, this show is still about magicians with it's own set of rules, not everythis is related with the animation allegory.
The lore we got days ago about the trees is one big example.
You are just describing Miyazaki's PoV on the matter, which Trigger wanted to show in the show is that he is wrong.
>Yoshinari: That was the idea. The theme was about a young animator who joins the industry looking up to a -sorry for the term- lowbrow late-night magical girl anime. So he’s mocked by people around him.
>Oguro: Oh I see.
>Yoshinari: But we also wanted to show that kind of admiration is important. There is the story about Hayao Miyazaki entering the anime industry because he was moved by Panda and the Magic Serpent.
>Oguro: About the fact that he admired the heroine?
>Yoshinari: Then he watched the movie again afterwards and was disappointed by how bad it was (laugh). Yet, even if it’s actually not enjoyable at all, it can be irreplaceable for that person. What’s important is the feelings you got from watching it, and the fact that you had admiration for it. That’s the theme we were looking for.
>Oguro: That’s the thoughts you placed in Akko’s character.
The only good cour2 episodes is 18 & 20 & 25
What were trigger thinking ??
>Yoshinari should not comparing Animation World with Magic World
It's just an allegory, not a comparation.
>We already watch Shirobako for fuck sake.
I have no idea what's your point on this, then again , I haven't watched Shirobako.
>He should make an original story about magic, & only magic.
He's doing it.
Also sorry, for deleting the post, I want to carry this discussion over here and not let this die with the previous thread.
They removed what worked. Concessions are a scary thing.
Nigga, 17 was was good too. 19 had its flaws but it was a decent setup for 20. Second part of 23 is fine too.
You should watch Shirobako
Its 5 times better than LWA.
>LWA threads still exist
i thought you guys died
I want Diana to yell at me and kick me out of the house for the night after I bug her too much because it's her birthday!
Prolly never.
No that would be Kyousogiga
>Hi-Evolution Thread up right now
Don't remind me of my suffering user.
I wish we did.
I'll watch it when it comes out. I think AO failed so much because of that pants on head retarded ending. At least LWA stuck the landing.
Our only purpose in life right now is to get BKJ doujin and the artbook scans
14 were decent Croix character introduction, not bad.
15..... trigger trying too hard.... wth.
16 is pure shit
17 its ok i guess...
18 is great... but this show is about Magic, right ?
19 its ok for the buildup for episode 20
20 is one of god tier episode (3,8,13)
21 is ok
22 is good until 1st part of episode 23 ruined it completely with rushed c&c flashback
23 2nd part is maximum comfy
24 is shit.... episode 16 tier of shit.... rushed... bad animation.... everything.
25 is good, nice little witches action sequences, still hate the timeskip though....
Stale discussions about such topics are better off let to die in the previous thread
AO started off decently. I was so hyped when the Gekko showed up in episode 12. But then holy fuck did they squander absolutely everything.
I'm still mad about theEND's cameo amounting to fucking NOTHING.
I'm reading this interview and:
>Oguro: Do you still aspire to reach another step in your work, like making it denser for example?
>Yoshinari: I don’t perceive it as trying to progress. It’s more like realizing how bad the previous work was and trying to make the next one at least less objectionable. On a personal level I don’t remember having been able to draw acceptably even once. I feel like all of my works are failures.
>Oguro: So you can’t think of a particularly good work you’re proud of?
>Yoshinari: No I cannot. I don’t really want to look back at them either (wry smile).
Jesus Christ, Yoshi.
The collage of logos in the corner fucking annoys me.
Anyone think they can edit it out decently?
If only, this has evolved into such a terrible circle jerk it puts most other generals to shame
Any and every single Fate thread is worse.
Holy shit, although it was in 2013, I wonder if he changed.
Now I'm curious if he planned Chariot to have the same sentiment.
I said most, Fate has been on a whole other level since forever
Did Netflix help at all to save this show from the gutter?
Personally, I'd just crop it.
He did, and probably does now to an extent (I don't think he would want to depress little children that much)
Post rivalry!
Alright, here are the lewds, now in technicolor.
2/2 Rivals!
Last episode was absolute trash, should have at least included some epilogue with Diakko eating ice cream or something, what a fucking disappointment.
Not really. The second cour fucked a lot of stuff up.
Comfy rivalry!
Diana is so fucking cute goddammit
akko eating ice cream off of diana's bound, shivering body wishing akko wouldn't waste her time in eating the ice cream off her body because it's freezing
Nicely done user.
Fucking nice. Thanks for this.
I've been a part of most of the other generals; this one isn't really that bad. Besides someone getting upset that I posted Andrew, there really isn't that much of an issue. Shipping will always happen, plus there's usually new content / lore every week or so.
Is this the part where people who don't like Diana x Akko are supposed to sperg out? Anyways, Diana is tip top cute.
Perfect stuff.
Nice! So they're planning to do the rest, huh?
Fierce rivals!
>pink pantsu
I knew Mary was the lewd one!
Do we only ironically hate on this show or am I missing something?
No, there's nothing wrong about recognizing a show's flaws, even if it's one that you like. It separates fans from fanboys. Whereas fans would like to see things improved on things so that the overall quality of the show is better, the fanboys will lap all the shit up.
The second half was pretty shit. A lot of people ignore the criticism and find it okay due to Diakko. Or they think it's shit and enjoy Diakko anyway.
what if I both lap it up and admit it has flaws
I have a huge weakness for wizard (or witch) based media
I wish I had a rival like Diana.
She's a proper lady
Nothing wrong with that. I still enjoyed the show, but I know it's still largely flawed.
>[Asenshi] Little Witch Academia - Volume 1 [BD 810p AAC]
Is out!
>tfw easy to please
>tfw pretty much loved every episode
>Deep in the backwoods of Arcturus Forest, Croix stood over a bloodied and beaten up Chariot.
>Croix took deep breaths, bloodied and exhausted after their drawn out battle, but devilishly smirking at the sight of the defeated Chariot.
>Chariot weakly reaches up to Croix but she kicks Chariot in the face and chuckles darkly as she walks over to her
>"You were so sure you was gonna stop me, Chariot du Nord?"
>Chariot simply scowled in response and Croix steps on her abdomen coughing up a bit of blood
>"I thought that with our little time here you were gonna come to your senses and not tried to stop me. Just who were you kidding Chariot?"
>"I'm.... still gonna.... stop yo-Oooof!!
>Croix stomps on Chariot's stomach to take the air out of her sentence.
>"I'm afraid you're in no condition to stop anybody Chariot, much less me. I AM going to break that seal, and I AM going to unlock the Grand Triskellion. But before I do so, there is one little problem I need to take care of...."
>Croix takes Chariot's prone body by the shoulders and drags Chariot deeper into the Forest.
>After a while, she stops next to a hole and drops Chariot next to the large hole
>"You remember this place Chariot? This was where we found the Shiny Rod. And now... This is where your final resting place will be Chariot du Nord... "
>Chariot's eyes widen as big as plates.
>"Croix.... You can't..."
>"I can and I will. As long as you're around, you're just gonna be an annoyance to my plan. With you out of the way, no one will stop me."
>Chariot tries to get up and leave the gravesite, but Croix hits her over the head with a shovel as she looks on in disapproval
>"This is where your fate lies Chariot. I hope you will accept it. It'll be better that way. For the both of us..."
>Croix effortlessly rolls Chariot into the hole in the ground and she lands hard on the soil below.
>Croix looks down at Chariot with a frown one last time and begins to shovel dirt into the hole.
Most of us share that sentiment. A lot of us like it despite it's failings why do you think these threads have been going on for so long?
It all boils down to waifuism on a pretty mediocre chinese cartoon for kids, it has very few redeeming qualities
normally i'd be against removing an artist's signature, but that's just awful.
>When most of us ship the little witches with each other
This would have been a better resolution to Chariot's character. She should have lost for being as noncommittal as she was.
Does it come with the illustations and the covers?
>waifuism on a pretty mediocre chinese cartoon for kids
You described 90% of the anime right now.
what the fuck is wrong with you
I forgot that removed the entire signature so I put it back in tastefully
Very good user.
>mfw part 2
A Canadian gal enjoying a national treat.
Poor Avery. Cursed forever with Canadian memes.
Wait, is she planning to do a H+B doujin for winter comiket?
While I only speak GT, it does sound like something to that effect.
She said she wants to do a non-ero healthy book involving Hanbara.
The suffering will never end.