What's the correct order of fate series?

What's the correct order of fate series?

don't bother watching anything other than fate/zero. Watch Illya if you're a disgusting lolicon

I want to be cute like Astolfo and wear pretty dresses.

Why has that girl got such a flat chest?

Watch Zero first, and then stop watching

Read Fate/Stay Night and Hollow Ataraxia. Don't watch anything except Carnival Phantasm.

Avoiding it entirely.




double cuck

Is there something wrong with not wanting to watch some ginger bitch get unrealistically slobbered over by a bunch of shit tier waifus?

dont fucking reply to me again

Fate/Zero is good, UBW and FSN were pretty trash tier.

Do you prefer your astolfo masculine or feminine?

The problem with UBW was that it assumed you had watched F/Z, but didn't offer anything for those looking for a sequel to F/Z.

Ignore those contrarian zerobabbies and form your own opinion after you Read the fate staynight VN>read fate hollow ataraxia VN(optional)>watch fate zero anime>free as you will.
Listen to us the fate scholars, not the anime only zerofaggots that only watched fate zero and never indulge themselves in other typemoon media.

Male so I don't feel fucking gay

F/Z is a prequel to F/SN, not the other way around animecuck


I am talking about the UBW anime in relation to the F/Z anime.

zero and then apocrypha(which is currently airing)
dont bother reading some shitty vn and dont watch the even shittier adaptation

this is A-1 pictures studio

take your (You) fatefag

The correct order is not watching it at all.