
All mechs should be piloted like this

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Chuuni princess misses her girlfriend...


Which series would you watch?

>Bullying Blitz
Only faggotrons

Would Altair rape Selesia if they weren't being broadcasted?

is the anime filter magical part of the birdcage?

The purest ;_;

Being Blitz is suffering. I seriously hope he doesn't bend to Suruga's will and backstab Altair.


I think that he's going to help Altair.

>I seriously hope he doesn't bend to Suruga's will
I hope so too, it would be a waste if he still acted according to his character setting.

What else can he do? Commit murder in front of his daughter?

I assume it's part of Meteora's spells.
I mean I don't think the government has techonlogy that changes live action into anime.

We do.

It's called Aku no Hana.

Repeat his story arc and kill his daughter for greater cause, thats what I want to see, but we propably won't.

Who the fuck designed this cockpit?

It is probably just a simple filter that adds colors .

>tfw nips will never make Alicetaria of the scarlet equivalent in real life
>tfw nips treat tall blond knights as only memes

So that's why she didn't want Rui to pilot it.

When I first saw Selesia's piloting stance in the new OP, I wondered why it was designed so that somebody could mount her doggy style. Little did I imagine that this would actually come to pass.

Someone with taste.

>Erina has blonde hair and green eyes
>Same as Alice
Is that why he didn't shoot her when he had a chance?

Now we know why Charon lets Selesia pilot the Vogelchevalier while he uses a different robot.

A biker obviously.

No I think that the only way that his daughter is going to die is if Suruga kills her or his daughter (more likely) goes against Altair or some shit.

My theory is that Blitz is going to surprise Suruga and Altair by helping Altair out, showing that he has free will, This would fill his obligations to morality (saving Altair) and make Suruga upset, but I believe she would learn a thing or too about meaning in life.

I think that Altair is going to try and bring back Setsuna and Blitz and Team Government and Soda are going to bring her to her senses. Then Altair will fade away with Setsuna or Setsuna will come back.

Then all the fictional characters will fade back into their worlds. Soda will become a confident drawfag, Marine will get more confident at drawing and Suruga will learn a thing or two about being an edgelord.

I wonder if his waifu also looked like Alice.

Maybe not. If Matsubara gave a detailed description of the robot cockpit in the LN, Marine would have no choice but to draw it that way.


Agreed. Bike cockpits are the best cockpits.

I prefer the Unicorn Gundam's. Comfy. Functional.

Getting major Kallen vibes here

Why didn't Blitz project his daughter into Alice rather than Altair?His daughter was an autist too?

Code Geass R3 is a ship war that is going to end in tears.

This doesn't look like a bike seat layout because her weight appears to be resting on her shins.

Because Alice is an adult.

Alice can look after herself.



At the beginning I expected him to see Mamika as a daughteru figure, cynical detective+magical girl would have been a great combo.

And also Blitz sublimally knows that Altair is going to get impaled by the protags.

>his daughter

I thought only Altair could summon creations into this world?

Literally a cock pit

>Erina was forced to destroy the world
>Altair is forced to destroy the world for the sake of MUH IDEALS

There really needs to be some kind of disposable sanitary cover on that seat thing if that's what is is.

I can't wait for Suruga to call Setsuna slag in her face.

Except secret final boss Meteora who will refuse to go back.

She's one heartless bitch.


I just want to know if she would deliver on her threat to pull the trigger on Erina if Blitz misbehaved.


I think she was meaning to say that she would be gone with the rest of the world itself, not that she would keep her as a hostage

Oh yeah, that is a good point.

best couple

cute couple

aliceteria the scarlet

>Robert Jordan was allegedly once asked which of his favorite characters he would like to invite over for dinner and have a conversation with. His response was something along the lines of "I'm too smart to want to be anywhere near people I put through that much crap."


Altair knows deep down that Mamika was trying to help her. And she didn't want to kill her, but she felt she had to in order to complete her objective. Once she wins, she will ressurect Mamika and they will be together as the best couple.

Also, Alicetaria joins them.

would have been great

>Once she wins


I don't know what's with the sexual tension between them

support for altair x mamika

How old is Alice anyway? 21?

Altair's going to get cucked when/if Setsuna comes back

This show really needed a lot more cross-genre interaction

alice for takarada. takarada mount centaur alice. takarada marries with alice. takarada lovey dovey alice. takarada kiss alice

anime character maximun 17 or 18

I think she's like 30

Selesia is 19

Selesia is already 19 tho.

It was never specified but probably around same age as Selesia (19)

soda marries with altair. altair femdom soda make bebys


>Altair legservice
Absolutely haram

They're blowing out of time.


Is there a larger version of this?

I imagine her in early 20ties, yeah. Especially with Maria being 21-22.

There's no way Alice is anywhere near Selesia's age. Seleisia is a barely trained rookie magic knight while Alice is commanding her kingdom's armies. Alice has to at least be in her mid 20s.

no, it's a WIP

With Alice's world being such a shithole she was probably trained to be a knight from very early age to not waste any time.

>Implying anime age has any logic behind it at all

I wouldn't be surprised if Alice is 17 or something.

Blog please?

Thanks, I feel jealous of that skill.

This episode in a nutshell

Alice is 20 at best. Far younger people have lead armies.

Like Turkish Altair?

Takarada will make her a magical girl.I can feel it.


Aren't they?

How old is Meteora? Early 30s?

then takarada declares his love for alice


If Meteora has some elves in her family tree this is possible.

Too short for that.

Dwarves are also known for their longevity. Meteora is from a fantasy game so dwarves and elves are a possibility.